Bogor, Indonesia, July 25, 2014 - (ACN Newswire) - Suryamas Group dengan rasa senang dan bangga mengumumkan pembukaan R Hotel Rancamaya, hotel mewah nan asri yang most anticipated luxury hotel, selain itu R Hotel Rancamaya menjadi hotel pertama yang dibangun dalam portofolio Suryamas Group. Pada periode pre-opening ini, para tamu ditawarkan harga istimewa mulai dari Rp. 788.000++ untuk kamar superior per malam.
 | R Hotel Rancamaya - MULAI BUKA PINTU |
R Hotel Rancamaya memiliki lokasi yang sangat ideal terletak dalam kawasan Rancamaya Golf Estate seluas 700 hektar dengan pemandangan Gunung Salak dan lapangan golf sudah memenangkan banyak penghargaan internasional. Hotel ini menawarkan retret yang sempurna untuk liburan akhir pekan dengan keluarga maupun aktivitas MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) perusahaan yang penuh inspirasi.
"Kami bangga sudah bisa memulai membuka pintu hotel ini dan menetapkan tonggak baru bagi kota Bogor dimana R Hotel Rancamaya menjadi destinasi berkelas untuk rekreasi dan pertemuan - pertemuan perusahaan," ujar Ulrich Hahn selaku General Manager R Hotel Rancamaya. Ulrich menambahkan: "R Hotel Rancamaya adalah jalan keluar yang sempurna dari peliknya kehidupan Jakarta sebagai pusat bisnis yang hanya berjarak 65 km, di lain sisi hotel ini menawarkan akomodasi bergaya penuh dengan fasilitas lengkap tidak ketinggalan excellence personal service dari para karyawan membuat moment bagi siapa saja yang tinggal di hotel menjadi semakin sempurna."
Harga promo pre opening berlaku sampai 30 September 2014 dengan kisaran discount sekitar 20-50% dari published rates. Semua harga yang ditawarkan termasuk dengan sajian buffet menu berdasarkan ketersediaan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan reservasi dapat menghubungi, +62 251 824 8899 atau kunjungi website kami www.rhotelrancamaya.com. THE STAY EXPERIENCE
Experience the perfect escape from city life to relax, socialise or be creative in an inspiring atmosphere. R Hotel Rancamaya offers a world of informal urban chic on the outskirts of Bogor. Guests will instantly feel at home as the Guest Services team welcomes them in the open-air lobby, which is designed to seamlessly integrate the Rancamaya Golf Estate's beautiful environment.
The hotel has 140 tastefully done up rooms, suites and villas offering brilliant views of majestic Mount Salak, the sprawling Bogor landscape and a championship golf course. Guestrooms and suites are built throughout 5 floors, ranging in size from 34 square meters to 125 square meters, all with balconies. The hotel's superior rooms feature 2 queen twin beds ideal for families and corporate events. Accommodation includes guestrooms and suites with direct lagoon access and one and two bedroom suites.
An inviting 96 meters long lagoon pool runs along the front of the hotel's accommodation offering no shortage of places for a refreshing dip or some serious laps. Wander through the 2.5 hectares garden, sit at the lake and read a book or take your children to watch the deer. Other leisure facilities include a 6,931 yard golf course and a fitness centre.
R Hotel Rancamaya offers 2 distinct dining options. Its main eatery, Pavilion, celebrates traditional Indonesian food with modern flavours served in a stimulating contemporary setting. Revolving around an interactive show kitchen Pavilion brings the excitement of live cooking to centre stage. Serving a la Carte menus and indulgent buffets featuring Western comfort food and Indonesian home-style cooking, the 19th Hole overlooks the golf course and is the ideal spot for a relaxed and casual lunch.
In addition, a range of 10 sleek high ceiling event spaces brings a level of sophistication and elegance, making this the perfect retreat for discerning travellers.
About R Hotel Rancamaya
R Hotel Rancamaya is located on a premium site within the Rancamaya Golf Estate adjacent to an expansive lush garden with a tranquil lake, cycling trails, viewing decks and a deer park. Superbly situated on the estate's highest point, the hotel offers sweeping views of majestic Mount Salak, the sprawling Bogor landscape and the estate's award winning golf course. R Hotel Rancamaya features 140 rooms, suites and villas, all with terraces or balconies and many with direct access to the hotel's 96 meters long lagoon pool. Its main eatery, Pavilion, celebrates traditional Indonesian food with modern flavours served in a stimulating contemporary setting. Revolving around an interactive show kitchen Pavilion brings the excitement of live cooking to centre stage. The hotel includes a range of flexible event spaces. Bright and high ceiling rooms designed to stimulate the creative senses lead on to a spacious coffee break terrace with stunning garden views. R Hotel Rancamaya offers the perfect retreat for a weekend getaway with the family or inspiring corporate retreats. www.rhotelrancamaya.com
About Rancamaya Golf Estate
Commencement on Rancamaya Golf Estate started in 1993 based on a master plan by the renowned John Chapman of Chapman Land Planning. Today it is home to Bogor's most desirable residences and an award winning golf course designed by the distinguished international course designer Ted Robinson, who incorporated natural beauty with challenge in the form of extraordinary course contours. Rancamaya Golf Estate's unique range of private villas and townhouses are built in thoughtfully designed neighbourhoods each with their own character. Currently 400 hectares of the estate's over 700 hectares have been developed. Development of the estate continues but is mindful of the environment with a commitment to low building density evoking feelings of space and tranquillity. The 25 clusters that currently comprise the Rancamaya Golf Estate are complemented by a prestigious Golf and Country Club and an internationally certified preschool and elementary school "Highscope". Inspired by the majesty of nature, incredible views, wonderful amenities and an exclusive location, the community offers an unmatched way of life for its residents. www.rancamaya.com
About Suryamas Group
Suryamas Group was founded in 1989 and was the first property developer in Indonesia to pioneer the concept of luxury country living when it conceptualized the Rancamaya Golf Estate. The first phase of the Rancamaya Golf Estate development commenced in 1993 and in 1995 the company went public laying the foundations for its growth into a leading Indonesian property developer. The group's portfolio now includes the Mahogany Residence in Cibubur, Harvest City in Cileungsi and Royal Tajur in Bogor representing a total of over 1,135 hectares with almost 5,500 residences constructed. More projects are in the pipeline with a focus on further developing housing on current land property.
Media Contact: Otniel Aldi Abel M: +62 813573 43 449 T: +62 215793 6733 F: +62 21 5793 6730 E: marcomm@rhotelrancamaya.com W: www.rhotelrancamaya.com
Topic: General Announcement
Source: R Hotel Rancamaya
Sectors: Travel & Tourism, Daily News
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