TOKYO, July 25, 2013 - (ACN Newswire) - CyberAgent, Inc. (TSE: 4751), a Tokyo-based leader in Internet media markets, has announced results for the third quarter ended June 30, 2013. Net sales reached 120,254 million yen (up 18.0% from the same period of the previous year); operating income reached 6,818 million yen (down 53.2%); ordinary income reached 7,090 million yen (down 50.8%); and quarterly net income reached 9,688 million yen (up 40.2%).
The number of smartphones shipped in 2012 increased by 23.0% to 29.72 million units (71.1% of overall shipments). In 2013, smartphone shipment volumes are estimated to reach 32.40 million units (76.8% of overall shipments) with the adoption of smartphones continuing at an increased pace(1). With the rapid adoption of smartphones, the marketplace for downloadable content is expanding as well, reaching 1.6 trillion yen in 2013 and forecast to be approximately 2.0 trillion yen by 2017. The social game market is growing especially rapidly, worth 538.5 billion yen in 2012 and forecast to grow to 615.0 billion yen in 2013(2).
Under such conditions, the Group focused operating resources on smartphone businesses, with the smartphone community and game "Ameba" starting in earnest and large scale promotions carried out with television commercials and transportation advertising. Business restructuring, such as a decision to sell FX business, was also carried out.
1) Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended June 30, 2013
A. Business Results (millions of yen)
Third quarter ended June 30, 2013 % 2012 %
Net Sales 120,254 18.0 101,902 15.0
Operating Income 6,818 (53.2) 14,557 34.3
Ordinary Income 7,090 (50.8) 14,407 35.7
Net Income 9,688 40.2 6,912 24.0
Net Income/Share(y) 15,281.27 10,675.45
Diluted Net Income/Share(y) 15,280.09 10,669.56
B. Financial Position
Total Assets 78,406 136,366
Net Assets 49,341 43,594
Shlders' Eqty Ratio(%) 57.2 30.6
C. Dividends
Year ended 2013 (Forecast) 2012
(y) 3,500 3,500
D. Forecast
Year ending September 30, 2013 Change %
Net Sales 170,000 20.5
Operating Income 10,000 (42.6)
Ordinary Income 10,000 (41.7)
Net Income 12,000 40.8
Net Income/Share(y) 18,926.57
2) Results by Business Segment
As of the first quarter of this consolidated accounting period, the division of the reporting segments has been changed, so for comparisons to the same period the previous year the values from the previous year have been changed to follow the new segment divisions.
(a) Ameba business
The Ameba business includes Ameba, Ameba Pigg and AMoAd, etc. For this business, there were large scale promotion activities for the smartphone community and game "Ameba", and new smartphone media businesses that were previously part of Internet advertisement business (formerly comprehensive Internet business) were consolidated. As a result, net sales totaled 20,636 million yen (up 9.1% from the same period of the previous year), and we recorded an operating loss of 7,474 million yen (an operating income of 3,234 million yen in the same period of the previous year).
(b) SAP and other media businesses
The SAP and other media businesses includes CA Mobile, LTD. and SAP (social game) businesses in our Group companies such as Cygames Inc., Applibot, Inc., and Sumzap, Inc.
For these businesses, with active expansion of SAP businesses, net sales totaled 45,672 million yen (up 38.6% from the same period of the previous year), and we recorded an operating income of 6,176 million yen (up 41.8% from the same period of the previous year).
(c) Internet advertisement business
Internet advertisement business includes advertising agency businesses and SEM (search engine marketing), centered on the Company's internet advertising business department.
For this business, with healthy sales of smartphone advertising, net sales totaled 58,247 million yen (up 14.2% from the same period of the previous year), and we recorded an operating income of 5,752 million yen (up 39.4% from the same period of the previous year).
(d) Investment development business
Our investment development business includes the Company's corporate venture capital business, and fund operation in CyberAgent Ventures, Inc. It discovers, develops and generates value for promising venture companies both within Japan and in Asian countries.
In the current business year, due mainly to sales of shares, net sales totaled 1,560 million yen (up 415.8% from the same period of the previous year), and we recorded an operating income of 677 million yen (an operating loss of 115 million yen in the same period of the previous year).
(e) FX business
As all shares of CyberAgent FX, Inc., which was a consolidated subsidiary, were sold on January 31, 2013, the performance of the FX business only for the period from October 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013 is included.
Sales and operating income of this business were 2,916 million yen and 1,686 million yen, respectively.
3) Segment Information
Current consolidated third quarter (Oct. 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)
(millions of yen)
Net Sales
(1)Sales to external customers
15,913 44,841 55,022 1,560 2,916 120,254 -- 120,254
(2)Intersegment internal sales of transferred amount
4,723 831 3,224 -- -- 8,779 (8,779) --
Total 20,636 45,672 58,247 1,560 2,916 129,033 (8,779) 120,254
Segment income (loss)
(7,474) 6,176 5,752 677 1,686 6,818 -- 6,818
A. Ameba business
B. SAP and Other Media Businesses
C. Internet advertisement business
D. Investment development business
F. Subtotal
G. Adjustment Amount
H. Consolidated quarterly balance sheet amount
Notes: (1) MM Research Institute, Ltd. (2) Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
PR/IR Division
Akiko Kashiwa
Tel: +81-3-5459-0227
Topic: Earnings
Source: CyberAgent, Inc.
Sectors: Daily Finance
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