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 Multimedia Press Releases
A*STAR Scientists Decipher Genome Code of a Living Fossil
A*STAR Scientists Decipher Genome Code of a Living Fossil
April 18 2013, 10:30 HKT
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다나까 전자공업, 2012년의 구리 본딩 와이어 출하량 전년 대비 약 2배로 사상 최고를 기록
다나까 전자공업, 2012년의 구리 본딩 와이어 출하량 전년 대비 약 2배로 사상 최고를 기록
April 16 2013, 12:25 HKT
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田中電子工業2012年銅Bonding Wire出貨量 約為前年度之2倍,創下迄今最高紀錄
田中電子工業2012年銅Bonding Wire出貨量 約為前年度之2倍,創下迄今最高紀錄
April 16 2013, 12:25 HKT
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田中电子工业2012年铜Bonding Wire出货量 约为前年度的2倍,创下迄今最高纪录
田中电子工业2012年铜Bonding Wire出货量 约为前年度的2倍,创下迄今最高纪录
April 16 2013, 12:25 HKT
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Tanaka Precious Metals Records Highest Shipment Volume of Copper Bonding Wire in 2012 at Approximately Doubling the Previous Year's Volume
Tanaka Precious Metals Records Highest Shipment Volume of Copper Bonding Wire in 2012 at Approximately Doubling the Previous Year's Volume
April 16 2013, 12:25 HKT
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UNIQLO Congratulates Adam Scott on Winning the 2013 Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta
UNIQLO Congratulates Adam Scott on Winning the 2013 Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta
April 15 2013, 12:45 HKT
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April 10 2013, 19:54 HKT
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April 10 2013, 19:52 HKT
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NewOcean Energy Forms Joint Venture Company with Sinopec
NewOcean Energy Forms Joint Venture Company with Sinopec
April 10 2013, 19:50 HKT
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A*STAR Scientist Alex Matter Awarded Prestigious Szent-Gyorgyi Prize For Progress In Cancer Research
A*STAR Scientist Alex Matter Awarded Prestigious Szent-Gyorgyi Prize For Progress In Cancer Research
April 5 2013, 10:00 HKT
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KERAMIKA 2013: Promoting Indonesia's Ceramic Industry Growth Locally and Overseas
KERAMIKA 2013: Promoting Indonesia's Ceramic Industry Growth Locally and Overseas
April 4 2013, 12:00 HKT
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April 3 2013, 14:00 HKT
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Samsung Fashion Steps Out 2013 - 28 March-12 May
Samsung Fashion Steps Out 2013 - 28 March-12 May
April 1 2013, 12:30 HKT
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Towards a Blue Economy: The 3rd Coral Triangle Regional Business Forum
Towards a Blue Economy: The 3rd Coral Triangle Regional Business Forum
March 25 2013, 20:00 HKT
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Toyota Premieres New 'Vios' Compact for Growing Markets
Toyota Premieres New 'Vios' Compact for Growing Markets
March 25 2013, 18:00 HKT
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Spikes Asia 2013 Dates Announced
Spikes Asia 2013 Dates Announced
March 25 2013, 11:00 HKT
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Honda Announces the New LEAD125 Scooter in Vietnam
Honda Announces the New LEAD125 Scooter in Vietnam
March 22 2013, 11:45 HKT
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MicroAd Announces "MicroAd Singapore" as Headquarters of APAC Region in Singapore with Full-scale Operations
MicroAd Announces
March 22 2013, 11:10 HKT
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JCB Releases Privilege Guide Indonesia App for Indonesia Cardmembers
JCB Releases Privilege Guide Indonesia App for Indonesia Cardmembers
March 21 2013, 10:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업, 재료 비용을 1/2로 줄일 수 있는 초소형 수정 진동자 패키지용 융착재를 3월 22일부터 제공 개시
다나까 귀금속공업, 재료 비용을 1/2로 줄일 수 있는 초소형 수정 진동자 패키지용 융착재를 3월 22일부터 제공 개시
March 21 2013, 14:00 HKT
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田中貴金屬工業將自3月22日起開始供應 可節省一半材料成本之超小型石英晶體諧振器封裝用熔接材料
田中貴金屬工業將自3月22日起開始供應 可節省一半材料成本之超小型石英晶體諧振器封裝用熔接材料
March 21 2013, 14:00 HKT
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田中贵金属工业将于3月22日起开始供应 可节省一半材料成本的超小型晶体共振子封装用焊接材料
田中贵金属工业将于3月22日起开始供应 可节省一半材料成本的超小型晶体共振子封装用焊接材料
March 21 2013, 14:00 HKT
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Tanaka Precious Metals Commences Supply of Ultra-compact Crystal Oscillator Package Bonding Material Able to Halve Material Cost on March 22
Tanaka Precious Metals Commences Supply of Ultra-compact Crystal Oscillator Package Bonding Material Able to Halve Material Cost on March 22
March 21 2013, 14:00 HKT
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March 19 2013, 20:00 HKT
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A*STAR's Antibody Technology Bags Regional Award
A*STAR's Antibody Technology Bags Regional Award
March 19 2013, 11:20 HKT
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Avernaが実環境下におけるRF信号処理機能を向上させた「RF Studio(TM)」ソフトウェアを発表
Avernaが実環境下におけるRF信号処理機能を向上させた「RF Studio(TM)」ソフトウェアを発表
March 18 2013, 07:00 HKT
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Averna, 실제 RF신호로 작업을 향상시키는 RF Studio(TM) 소프트웨어 출시
Averna, 실제 RF신호로 작업을 향상시키는 RF Studio(TM) 소프트웨어 출시
March 18 2013, 07:00 HKT
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Averna 推出 RF Studio(TM) 軟件以提升處理真實 RF 信號的效率
Averna 推出 RF Studio(TM) 軟件以提升處理真實 RF 信號的效率
March 18 2013, 07:00 HKT
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Averna 推出 RF Studio(TM) 软件以提升处理真实 RF 信号的效率
Averna 推出 RF Studio(TM) 软件以提升处理真实 RF 信号的效率
March 18 2013, 07:00 HKT
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Averna Launches RF Studio(TM) Software to Advance Work with Real-World RF Signals
Averna Launches RF Studio(TM) Software to Advance Work with Real-World RF Signals
March 18 2013, 07:00 HKT
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