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 Multimedia Press Releases
June 6 2012, 19:35 HKT
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Directors Of The Year Awards 2012 Now Open for Nominations
Directors Of The Year Awards 2012 Now Open for Nominations
June 6 2012, 19:30 HKT
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May 31 2012, 12:00 HKT
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June 4 2012, 09:00 HKT
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Veco Group Opens its First Asian Office in Hong Kong
Veco Group Opens its First Asian Office in Hong Kong
June 4 2012, 09:00 HKT
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Made-in-Singapore H5N1 Bird Flu Diagnostic Kit - Detects All Known Strains of H5N1 Virus with a Single Test
Made-in-Singapore H5N1 Bird Flu Diagnostic Kit - Detects All Known Strains of H5N1 Virus with a Single Test
May 29 2012, 14:00 HKT
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세계 최초로 파워 반도체용 와이어을 구리로 대체, 양산체제 확립 다나까 전자공업이 신일본무선에 굵은 구리 와이어를 공급
세계 최초로 파워 반도체용 와이어을 구리로 대체, 양산체제 확립 다나까 전자공업이 신일본무선에 굵은 구리 와이어를 공급
May 29 2012, 15:00 HKT
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May 29 2012, 11:35 HKT
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冲电气(OKI)加强产品含有化学物质信息系统 “COINServ-COSMOS-R/R”统计功能,并支持新版标准调查格式
冲电气(OKI)加强产品含有化学物质信息系统 “COINServ-COSMOS-R/R”统计功能,并支持新版标准调查格式
May 29 2012, 11:30 HKT
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世界首次,以銅替代電源半導體專用配線之量產確立 田中電子工業將粗銅製導線引進新日本無線株式會社
世界首次,以銅替代電源半導體專用配線之量產確立 田中電子工業將粗銅製導線引進新日本無線株式會社
May 29 2012, 15:00 HKT
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世界首次,以铜替代电源半导体专用配线,量产确立 田中电子工业将粗铜制导线引进新日本无线株式会社
世界首次,以铜替代电源半导体专用配线,量产确立 田中电子工业将粗铜制导线引进新日本无线株式会社
May 29 2012, 15:00 HKT
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World-first Replacement of Power Semiconductor Wire with Copper for Mass Production; Tanaka Precious Metals Introduces Thick Copper Wire for New Japan Radio
World-first Replacement of Power Semiconductor Wire with Copper for Mass Production; Tanaka Precious Metals Introduces Thick Copper Wire for New Japan Radio
May 29 2012, 15:00 HKT
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Tanaka Precious Metals Records Highest Shipment Volume of Fuel Cell Catalysts in FY2011
Tanaka Precious Metals Records Highest Shipment Volume of Fuel Cell Catalysts in FY2011
May 29 2012, 10:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업, 연료전지용 촉매의 2011년도 출하량이 과거 최고치를 기록
다나까 귀금속공업, 연료전지용 촉매의 2011년도 출하량이 과거 최고치를 기록
May 29 2012, 10:00 HKT
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May 29 2012, 10:00 HKT
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May 29 2012, 10:00 HKT
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JCB an Official Sponsor of China LPGA Tour
JCB an Official Sponsor of China LPGA Tour
May 24 2012, 10:00 HKT
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Singapore-made Anti-reflective Plastics to be Commercialised
Singapore-made Anti-reflective Plastics to be Commercialised
May 23 2012, 11:00 HKT
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May 21 2012, 21:06 HKT
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May 21 2012, 21:01 HKT
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Pompei in Strategic Alliance with Transforex Hong Kong of HNA Group to Launch the First Jointly Issued MasterCard Electronic Travellers Cheque in Greater China
Pompei in Strategic Alliance with Transforex Hong Kong of HNA Group to Launch the First Jointly Issued MasterCard Electronic Travellers Cheque in Greater China
May 21 2012, 21:00 HKT
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ヒューマンデータ、Altera社のCycloneIV E 搭載USB-FPGAボード「EDA-301」を発売
ヒューマンデータ、Altera社のCycloneIV E 搭載USB-FPGAボード「EDA-301」を発売
May 9 2012, 16:00 HKT
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ICBC to Issue JCB Brand Cards in China
ICBC to Issue JCB Brand Cards in China
May 16 2012, 16:00 HKT
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亚洲现代与当代艺术杰作汇聚UAA 2012春季拍卖会
亚洲现代与当代艺术杰作汇聚UAA 2012春季拍卖会
May 10 2012, 14:10 HKT
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亞洲現代與當代藝術傑作匯聚UAA 2012春季拍賣會
亞洲現代與當代藝術傑作匯聚UAA 2012春季拍賣會
May 10 2012, 14:05 HKT
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Masterworks of Modern and Contemporary Asian Art at UAA Spring 2012 Auction
Masterworks of Modern and Contemporary Asian Art at UAA Spring 2012 Auction
May 10 2012, 14:00 HKT
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IBN's Droplet Array Sheds Light on Drug-Resistant Cancer Stem Cells
IBN's Droplet Array Sheds Light on Drug-Resistant Cancer Stem Cells
May 9 2012, 12:00 HKT
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TDK開發出支持串行ATA 3Gbps的工業用內嵌mSATA型SMG3B系列
TDK開發出支持串行ATA 3Gbps的工業用內嵌mSATA型SMG3B系列
May 9 2012, 09:00 HKT
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TDK开发出支持串行ATA 3Gbps的工业用内嵌mSATA型SMG3B系列
TDK开发出支持串行ATA 3Gbps的工业用内嵌mSATA型SMG3B系列
May 9 2012, 09:00 HKT
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TDK Launches Embedded mSATA Solid-State Drive with 3 Gbps Serial ATA Support Suitable for Industrial Applications
TDK Launches Embedded mSATA Solid-State Drive with 3 Gbps Serial ATA Support Suitable for Industrial Applications
May 9 2012, 09:00 HKT
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