Multimedia Press Releases |
天韵國際榮獲中國輕工業聯合會頒發「『十三五』輕工行業科技創新先進集體」及榮獲「『十三五』輕工行業科技創新先進個人」稱號 |
September 28 2021, 19:51 HKT
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Tianyun International Awarded the Titles of "'Thirteenth Five-Year' Excellent Entity in Technological Innovation of National Light Industry" and "'Thirteenth Five-Year' Excellent Individual in Technological Innovation of National Light Industry" by China National Light Industry Council |
September 28 2021, 19:50 HKT
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Monsoon Blockchain為Bitcoin Latinum的下一代加密貨幣生態系統提供動力 |
September 28 2021, 18:40 HKT
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Monsoon Blockchain为Bitcoin Latinum的下一代加密货币生态系统提供动力 |
September 28 2021, 18:39 HKT
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Monsoon Blockchain Powers the Next Generation Cryptocurrency Ecosystem for Bitcoin Latinum |
September 29 2021, 12:00 HKT
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韓国の代表的な音楽監督キム・ハンジョ、ブロックチェーンベースNFT音楽特許を出願 |
September 28 2021, 18:00 HKT
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Fujitsu Introduces AI technology Enabling Highly Accurate Prediction of Vessel Collision Risks on Complex Maritime Routes |
September 28 2021, 18:06 HKT
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Fujitsu Introduces AI technology Enabling Highly Accurate Prediction of Vessel Collision Risks on Complex Maritime Routes |
September 28 2021, 18:06 HKT
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Fujitsu and KDDI Leverage 5G Technologies in Partnership to Solve Social Issues |
September 28 2021, 12:58 HKT
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Fujitsu and KDDI Leverage 5G Technologies in Partnership to Solve Social Issues |
September 28 2021, 12:58 HKT
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Fujitsu and KDDI Leverage 5G Technologies in Partnership to Solve Social Issues |
September 28 2021, 12:58 HKT
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GlobalLogic Launches Collaborative Hub Based In Lumada Innovation Hub Tokyo |
September 28 2021, 08:51 HKT
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GlobalLogic Launches Collaborative Hub Based In Lumada Innovation Hub Tokyo |
September 28 2021, 08:51 HKT
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数坤科技拟赴港上市:数字医生平台已获千余家医院高频使用 |
September 27 2021, 15:55 HKT
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數坤科技擬赴港上市:數字醫生平台已獲千餘家醫院高頻使用 |
September 27 2021, 15:54 HKT
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朝雲集團股權激勵方案落地 凝聚團隊為企業發展賦能 |
September 27 2021, 12:01 HKT
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Participation in Japan Automotive Model-Based Engineering Center |
September 27 2021, 08:04 HKT
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Technica Zen Now Official Training Partner of The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) |
October 1 2021, 08:00 HKT
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テクニカ・ゼン株式会社がIAPP公式トレーニング・パートナーに日本で初めて認定されました |
October 1 2021, 09:00 HKT
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Toyota Yaris WRC Returns to Home Roads for an Autumn Rally Finland |
September 24 2021, 19:30 HKT
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애질렉스 바이오랩스, 사이트라인 어워드(Citeline Award)의 코로나19 백신 독성학 임상 전 연구 부문 최종 수상 후보로 선정 |
September 24 2021, 17:00 HKT
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數據顯示,移卡二維碼支付收單服務位列非銀獨立機構第一 |
September 24 2021, 15:56 HKT
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YS SPECIAL STEEL、鋳造金型鋼として射出産業のスマート化をリード |
September 24 2021, 11:00 HKT
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YS SPECIAL STEEL、鋳造金型鋼として射出産業のスマート化をリード |
September 24 2021, 11:00 HKT
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Moonstake, IBM의 스타트업 인큐베이터 프로그램인 Hyper Protect Accelerator에 합류 |
September 24 2021, 11:00 HKT
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MoonstakeがIBMのスタートアップインキュベータープログラム『Hyper Protect Accelerator』に選出 |
September 24 2021, 10:00 HKT
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Moonstake Joins Hyper Protect Accelerator, A Startup Incubator Program of IBM |
September 24 2021, 11:00 HKT
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Fujitsu Sources 100% of Energy Needs for Global HQ from Renewables |
September 24 2021, 09:50 HKT
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Animoca Brands uses Blockpass' On-chain KYC(TM) to verify NFT prize winners |
September 24 2021, 08:00 HKT
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Agilex Biolabs 被宣佈為 COVID-19 疫苗毒理學臨床前研究的 Citeline 獎決賽選手 |
September 24 2021, 09:00 HKT
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