Multimedia Press Releases |
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and Sumitomo Corporation Sign Contract with Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas for Construction of Gas-fired Combined Cycle Power Plant |
June 21 2017, 17:31 HKT
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Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and Sumitomo Corporation Sign Contract with Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas for Construction of Gas-fired Combined Cycle Power Plant |
June 21 2017, 17:31 HKT
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Release of JCB Consumption NOW Service |
June 21 2017, 17:00 HKT
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Bombardier、スパイスジェットと最大50機のQ400航空機に関するLOI (関心表明書)を締結 |
June 21 2017, 11:10 HKT
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Lexus Adds Design Flair & Imaginative Technologies to Luc Besson's Upcoming Sci-Fi Epic Valerian |
June 21 2017, 09:40 HKT
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Garuda Indonesia awarded 'World's Best Cabin Crew' for Fourth Consecutive Year |
June 22 2017, 10:00 HKT
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光大控股旗下中国光大资产管理有限公司成为首届海外基金金牛奖大赢家 |
June 20 2017, 19:25 HKT
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光大控股旗下中國光大資產管理有限公司成為首屆海外基金金牛獎大贏家 |
June 20 2017, 19:23 HKT
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China Everbright Assets Management Limited, a Wholly-owned Subsidiary of China Everbright Limited, Wins Big at the First Overseas Golden Bull Fund Award Ceremony |
June 20 2017, 19:21 HKT
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HKTDC Export Index: Hong Kong Exporter Sentiment at 4-Year High in Q2 Survey |
June 20 2017, 18:30 HKT
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理研と富士通、「京」が性能指標(HPCG)において2期連続で世界第1位を獲得 |
June 20 2017, 16:30 HKT
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ISID、トヨタ自動車向けにVRによる遠隔地3D車両情報共有システムを開発 |
June 20 2017, 11:00 HKT
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スカイ100で「イエスタデイ・ワンス・モア」プロモーション開催、香港の色鮮やかな過去にタイムスリップする旅へ |
June 19 2017, 18:00 HKT
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スカイ100で「イエスタデイ・ワンス・モア」プロモーション開催、香港の色鮮やかな過去にタイムスリップする旅へ |
June 19 2017, 18:00 HKT
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Suprema to Premiere BioEntry P2 at IFSEC 2017 |
June 19 2017, 16:00 HKT
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金雅拓攜手德施曼,用移動便捷性詮釋更安全的智能鎖 |
June 19 2017, 13:00 HKT
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金雅拓携手德施曼,用移动便捷性诠释更安全的智能锁 |
June 19 2017, 13:00 HKT
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젬알토, 모바일 솔루션 통해 데스만 스마트락의 보안성 강화 |
June 19 2017, 13:00 HKT
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GemaltoとDessmann、スマホを活用しスマートロックのセキュリティを強化 |
June 19 2017, 13:00 HKT
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通天閣と日立、大阪市の通天閣LED・ネオン広告の消灯を通じて「CO2削減/ライトダウンキャンペーン」に参加 |
June 19 2017, 10:50 HKT
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Gemalto and Dessmann Enhance Smart Lock Security with Mobile Convenience |
June 19 2017, 13:00 HKT
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Suprema to Unveil Biometrics-based Intelligent Access Controller at IFSEC 2017 |
June 16 2017, 11:00 HKT
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NANOBIOTIX: New Translational Data Presented at ASTRO, NCI and SITC's Immunotherapy Workshop |
June 16 2017, 06:00 HKT
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NANOBIOTIX: New Translational Data Presented at ASTRO, NCI and SITC's Immunotherapy Workshop |
June 16 2017, 06:00 HKT
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