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 Multimedia Press Releases
The 23rd Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer Curtains Up in July with Debut Women's Wear and Knitwear Zones
The 23rd Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer Curtains Up in July with Debut Women's Wear and Knitwear Zones
April 6 2016, 13:30 HKT
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April 6 2016, 13:30 HKT
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安富利任命Rodger Soo為安富利(中國)科技有限公司副總裁
安富利任命Rodger Soo為安富利(中國)科技有限公司副總裁
April 6 2016, 11:00 HKT
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安富利任命Rodger Soo为安富利(中国)科技有限公司副总裁
安富利任命Rodger Soo为安富利(中国)科技有限公司副总裁
April 6 2016, 11:00 HKT
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Avnet Names Rodger Soo Vice President of Technology Solutions, China
Avnet Names Rodger Soo Vice President of Technology Solutions, China
April 6 2016, 11:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
다나까 귀금속공업, S.E.I가 저온 접합재료 ‘AuRoFUSE(TM)’를 이용한 고출력 LED 모듈을 개발
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
田中貴金屬工業、S.E.I 開發出使用低溫接合材料「AuRoFUSE(TM)」之高輸出功率LED模組
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
田中贵金属工业、S.E.I 开发出使用低温接合材料“AuRoFUSE(TM)”的高输出功率LED模组
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
TANAKA and S.E.I. Develop High-Power LED Modules Using AuRoFUSE(TM) Low-Temperature Bonding Material
April 12 2016, 10:00 HKT
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hktdc.com & Kerry Express Launch Joint Promotion
hktdc.com & Kerry Express Launch Joint Promotion
April 5 2016, 18:00 HKT
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With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
April 5 2016, 13:50 HKT
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With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
April 5 2016, 13:50 HKT
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With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
With Biotechnology Companies Leading the Way, Six Venture-Backed IPOs Recorded in First Quarter
April 5 2016, 13:50 HKT
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Toyota GAZOO Racing's Young Drivers to Take on Eighth Round of WRC in Finland Winter training performance sparks high hopes
Toyota GAZOO Racing's Young Drivers to Take on Eighth Round of WRC in Finland Winter training performance sparks high hopes
April 5 2016, 12:57 HKT
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格蘭富: 丹麥科技在加州獨領風騷
格蘭富: 丹麥科技在加州獨領風騷
April 5 2016, 14:00 HKT
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格兰富: 丹麦科技在加州独领风骚
格兰富: 丹麦科技在加州独领风骚
April 5 2016, 14:00 HKT
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그런포스: 미국 캘리포니아 이끄는 덴마크 기술
그런포스: 미국 캘리포니아 이끄는 덴마크 기술
April 5 2016, 14:00 HKT
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沙特阿拉伯國家商業銀行選擇金雅拓來發行非接觸式 EMV 支付卡
沙特阿拉伯國家商業銀行選擇金雅拓來發行非接觸式 EMV 支付卡
April 5 2016, 13:00 HKT
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沙特阿拉伯国家商业银行选择金雅拓来发行非接触式 EMV 支付卡
沙特阿拉伯国家商业银行选择金雅拓来发行非接触式 EMV 支付卡
April 5 2016, 13:00 HKT
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젬알토, 사우디 국영상업은행(NCB)의 비접촉 EMV 결제카드 도입 지원
젬알토, 사우디 국영상업은행(NCB)의 비접촉 EMV 결제카드 도입 지원
April 5 2016, 13:00 HKT
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Gemalto Selected by National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia to Deploy Contactless EMV Payment Cards
Gemalto Selected by National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia to Deploy Contactless EMV Payment Cards
April 5 2016, 13:00 HKT
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サウジアラビアのNational Commercial Bank、非接触 EMV決済カード展開でジェムアルトを採用
サウジアラビアのNational Commercial Bank、非接触 EMV決済カード展開でジェムアルトを採用
April 5 2016, 13:00 HKT
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