Multimedia Press Releases |
玖源集团首度携手清华大学实现「校企联合」 展开科研、技术、人才全方位合作 |
October 29 2015, 18:42 HKT
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玖源集團首度攜手清華大學實現「校企聯合」 展開科研、技術、人才全方位合作 |
October 29 2015, 18:41 HKT
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Ko Yo Group Jointly Work with Tsinghua University For Initial Comprehensive Cooperation in terms of Scientific Research, Technologies and People Talent |
October 29 2015, 18:40 HKT
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デンソー、トヨタ新型プリウスに搭載される製品を開発 |
October 29 2015, 15:45 HKT
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A*STAR Findings on Breast Cancer Hold Potential for New Treatments |
October 29 2015, 15:00 HKT
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富士通、SIMフリーのスマートフォン「arrows RM02」をMVNOサービス「楽天モバイル」から販売開始 |
October 29 2015, 12:45 HKT
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Gallagher Continues to Gain International Recognition |
October 29 2015, 10:30 HKT
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日沖電線推出擁有卓越可動耐久性的安裝用“ORP-I系列”絕緣電線 |
October 29 2015, 10:00 HKT
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シャープ、SIMフリースマートフォン「AQUOS SH-RM02」を製品化 |
October 29 2015, 10:35 HKT
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日冲电线推出拥有卓越可动耐久性的安装用“ORP-I系列”绝缘电线 |
October 29 2015, 10:00 HKT
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YPO Network Hosts Fourth Annual China Summit |
October 29 2015, 09:00 HKT
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Eco Expo Asia, Building & Hardware Fair Open Today in Hong Kong |
October 28 2015, 19:00 HKT
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衝電氣(OKI)與神州數碼在中國ATM事業領域達成戰略合作協議 |
October 28 2015, 16:00 HKT
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トヨタ、東京モーターショーでコンセプトカー「LEXUS LF-FC」を公開 |
October 28 2015, 15:50 HKT
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冲电气(OKI)与神州数码在中国ATM事业领域达成战略合作协议 |
October 28 2015, 16:00 HKT
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三菱商事、インドネシアで「オレンジ・カウンティプロジェクト」内の分譲住宅開発に参画 |
October 28 2015, 14:55 HKT
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ホンダ、東京モーターショーで燃料電池自動車「CLARITY FUEL CELL」市販予定車を公開 |
October 28 2015, 12:30 HKT
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ホンダ、ピュアスポーツモデルの新型「CIVIC TYPE R(シビック タイプアール)」を発売 |
October 28 2015, 10:20 HKT
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Honda Exhibits World Premiere of CLARITY FUEL CELL, Planned Production Model of its All-new Fuel Cell Vehicle, at 44th Tokyo Motor Show 2015 |
October 28 2015, 12:27 HKT
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Honda to Launch All-new CIVIC TYPE R in Japan |
October 28 2015, 10:19 HKT
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OKI、デジタルチャイナと中国ATM事業で戦略提携 |
October 28 2015, 11:30 HKT
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シャープ、北海道における太陽光発電所のメンテナンス業務を行う「シャープ 北海道太陽光発電メンテナンスセンター」を開設 |
October 28 2015, 11:10 HKT
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BigAir Deploys SolidFire to Boost its Managed Cloud Services With Fast, Guaranteed Storage Performance and Scale-Out Architecture |
October 28 2015, 09:50 HKT
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Global Brands Shine As Hong Kong Lighting Fair Opens |
October 27 2015, 17:30 HKT
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有阳光的地方就能孕育希望 专访IPA国际摄影深度摄影金奖高震 |
October 27 2015, 16:00 HKT
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Fukushima Winery Starts Operations in Koriyama |
October 27 2015, 13:59 HKT
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Hitachi Developed Technology which Accurately Measures Human Behavior and Estimates Attributes in Real Time |
October 27 2015, 11:44 HKT
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Fujitsu Releases Open-Source Software for Managing the Cloud Marketplace |
October 27 2015, 10:40 HKT
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