Friday, May 24, 2024 |
汇达交通股权架构重组奠定未来发展方向 汉思能源成汇达交通大股东 |
能源行业主要营运商汉思能源有限公司(「汉思能源」或「公司」)及其附属公司(统称「本集团」)(香港股份代号:554.HK)欣然宣布,本集团将以总代价27.2亿港元,购入城巴母公司汇达交通控股(汇达控股)的54.44%股权,成为汇达控股的大股东。汇达控股现时的主要业务包括营运专营及非专营巴士,以及多媒体业务,估值为50亿港元。 more info >> |
匯達交通股權架構重組奠定未來發展方向 漢思能源成匯達交通大股東 |
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Shareholding Restructure of BTHL Cements Future with Hans Energy Becomes Majority Shareholder |
Hans Energy Company Limited ("Hans Energy" or the "Company") and its subsidiaries (the "Group") (stock code: 554.HK), a leading operator in the energy industry, is pleased to announce today it will acquire 54.44% equity shares of Citybus' parent company, Bravo Transport Holdings Limited ("BTHL"), for a consideration of HKD2.72 billion and become the majority shareholder of BTHL. BTHL, which primarily comprises of franchised bus operations, non-franchised bus operations and a media business, is valued at HKD5.0 billion. more info >> |
Friday, December 3, 2021 |
Hans Energy Increases its Shareholding in the Holding Companies of Citybus and NWFB to 15.56% |
Hans Energy Company Limited ("Hans Energy" or the "Company") and its subsidiaries (the "Group") (stock code: 554.HK), a leading operator in the energy industry, announced today that the Group will increase its shareholding in Bravo Transport Holdings Limited ("BTHL"), which wholly owns Citybus and NWFB more info >> |
汉思能源拟增持城巴及新巴之控股公司股权至15.56% |
能源行业主要营运商汉思能源有限公司(「汉思能源」或「公司」)及其附属公司(统称「本集团」)(香港股份代号:554.HK)今天宣布,将以总代价3.5亿港元增持目前全资拥有城巴有限公司(「城巴」)及新世界第一巴士服务有限公司(「新巴」)的Bravo Transport Holdings Limited(「BTHL」)股份,占BTHL全部已发行股本的7%,交易完成后,本集团将拥有BTHL约15.56%股权。 more info >> |
漢思能源擬增持城巴及新巴之控股公司股權至15.56% |
能源行業主要營運商漢思能源有限公司(「漢思能源」或「公司」)及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)(香港股份代號:554.HK)今天宣佈,將以總代價3.5億港元增持目前全資擁有城巴有限公司(「城巴」)及新世界第一巴士服務有限公司(「新巴」)的Bravo Transport Holdings Limited(「BTHL」)股份,佔BTHL全部已發行股本的7%,交易完成後,本集團將擁有BTHL約15.56%股權。 more info >> |
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 |
华富嘉洛证券发表关于汉思能源(554.hk)的投资摘录 |
华富嘉洛证券发表关于汉思能源有限公司(「汉思能源」,554.hk)的投资摘录,认为汉思能源的前景正面。汉思能源与中石化的仲裁已于2014年3月裁决,中石化需支付约人民币5.88亿元作为提前解除租约的费用。 more info >> |
華富嘉洛證券發表關於漢思能源(554.hk)的投資摘錄 |
華富嘉洛證券發表關於漢思能源有限公司(「漢思能源」,554.hk)的投資摘錄,認為漢思能源的前景正面。漢思能源與中石化的仲裁已於2014年3月裁決,中石化需支付約人民幣5.88億元作為提前解除租約的費用。 more info >> |
Desk Note for Hans Energy Company Ltd (554.hk) by Quam Securities |
Quam Securities Company Limited published a desk note for Hans Energy Company Ltd ("Han Energy", 554.hk). They gave Hans Energy a Positive view. The arbitration with Sinopec was resolved in Mar 2014 and Sinopec is required to pay ~RMB588mn as a result of early termination of leases. more info >> |