Wednesday, June 19, 2019 |
重现闪耀的成功——约定你们於 “第64届曼谷首饰珠宝展”(BGJF) 再见 |
世界知名的高级珠宝製造商在2019年2月举行的第63届曼谷首饰珠宝展览会上,把他们巧夺天工的傑出展品变成了焦点。 more info >> |
重現閃耀的成功——約定你們於 “第64屆曼谷首飾珠寶展”(BGJF) 再見 |
世界知名的高級珠寶製造商在2019年2月舉行的第63屆曼谷首飾珠寶展覽會上,把他們巧奪天工的傑出展品變成了焦點。 more info >> |
To Revive the Glittering Success - See You at the 64th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair 2019 (BGJF) |
World-renowned fine jewelry manufacturers were turning the spotlight on their stunning masterpieces at the 63rd Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair in February 2019. more info >> |
Thursday, September 13, 2018 |
第63届曼谷首饰珠宝展览会 (BGJF) – 东盟地区最瞩目的珠宝商贸平台 |
根据香港政府统计处, 2018年7月份的总零售额较去年同期增加7.8%, 达港币389亿(等同美金49.9亿)。其中,珠宝,钟表及奢侈品的零售额更录得最高的16.8%增长。 more info >> |
第63屆曼谷首飾珠寶展覽會 (BGJF) – 東盟地區最矚目的珠寶商貿平台 |
根據香港政府統計處, 2018年7月份的總零售額較去年同期增加7.8%, 達港幣389億(等同美金49.9億)。其中,珠寶,鐘錶及奢侈品的零售額更錄得最高的16.8%增長。 more info >> |
The 63rd Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair (BGIF) - The Biggest Jewellery Marketplace in Asean |
According to the Census & Statistics Department, the value of total retail sales in July 2018 rose by 7.8 percent over the same period last year to 38.9 billion Hong Kong dollars (4.99 billion U.S. dollars). The value of sales of jewellery, watches and clocks and valuable gifts increased the most by 16.8 percent. more info >> |
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 |
全球最大珠宝商贸平台 - 2018年第62届曼谷首饰珠宝展览会(BGJF),融合现代商贸渠道和泰国独有非凡工艺 |
泰国是世界上最着名并拥有悠久历史的宝石与珠宝中心之一。此国家被赋有大量的天然矿物和宝石,特别盛产红宝石和蓝宝石。 more info >> |
全球最大珠寶商貿平台 - 2018年第62屆曼谷首飾珠寶展覽會 (BGJF), 融合現代商貿渠道和泰國獨有非凡工藝 |
泰國是世界上最著名並擁有悠久歷史的寶石與珠寶中心之一。此國家被賦有大量的天然礦物和寶石, 特別盛產紅寶石和藍寶石。 more info >> |
The World's Largest Jewelry Marketplace - The 62nd Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair 2018, Integration of Modern Trade and Artistry of Unique Thai Charm |
Thailand has rich history as one of the world's most prominent centers for gems and jewelry. The country has abundant kinds of minerals and gemstones especially ruby and sapphire. Its skilled craftsmanship, unique designs had merged with modern technology to produce jewelry competitive in international markets. more info >> |
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
曼谷首饰珠宝展 (BGJF) 助你定下专属的利基市场,启发成功之门 |
曼谷首饰珠宝展 (BGJF)是为服务各种不同买家的重要舞台。 more info >> |