Friday, October 9, 2015 |
PolyU Formed University Social Responsibility Network with World Renowned Universities and Inaugurated in Hong Kong for Advocating International Partnership |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today (9 October) joined hands with eleven renowned universities around the globe to form a University Social Responsibility (USR) Network to spearhead USR with impact to make the world a better place. more info >> |
Thursday, September 16, 2010 |
香港资源旗下金至尊斥资人民币1,800万元设中国营运总部 |
香港资源控股有限公司(「香港资源」或「集团」;股份编号:2882)宣布旗下全资附属公司金至尊珠宝(「金至尊」)的中国营运总部正式开幕。 more info >> |
香港資源旗下金至尊斥資人民幣1,800萬元設中國營運總部 |
香港資源控股有限公司(「香港資源」或「集團」;股份編號:2882)宣佈旗下全資附屬公司金至尊珠寶(「金至尊」)的中國營運總部正式開幕。 more info >> |
HKRH's Subsidiary 3D-GOLD Invests RMB18 Million in China Operations Headquarters |
Hong Kong Resources Holdings Company Limited ("HKRH" or the "Group"; SEHK: 2882) announced the official opening of the headquarters of its wholly owned subsidiary, 3D-GOLD Jewellery ("3D-GOLD") in Shenzhen, China. more info >> |
Thursday, August 19, 2010 |
金至尊与何国钲携手打造价值港币1,288万钻石婚纱开拓内地兴旺的婚庆市场 |
香港资源控股有限公司(「香港资源」或「集团」;股份编号:2882)今天公布其全资附属公司金至尊珠宝与何国钲携手打造价值港币1,288万钻石婚纱。 more info >> |
金至尊與何國鉦攜手打造價值港幣1,288萬鑽石婚紗開拓內地興旺的婚慶市場 |
香港資源控股有限公司(「香港資源」或「集團」;股份編號:2882)今天公佈其全資附屬公司金至尊珠寶與何國鉦攜手打造價值港幣1,288萬鑽石婚紗。 more info >> |
3D-GOLD and Dorian Ho Jointly Present the HK$12.88 Million Diamond Wedding Gown; Tap the Blossoming Wedding Market in the PRC |
Hong Kong Resources Holdings Company Limited ("HKRH" or the "Company", or the "Group", together with its subsidiaries; SEHK: 2882) announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, 3D-GOLD Jewellery has joined hands with Dorian Ho to present the HK$12.88 million Diamond Wedding Gown today. more info >> |
Thursday, August 5, 2010 |
香港资源发行可换股债劵总值216,000,000港元 |
香港资源控股有限公司(「香港资源」或「集团」;股份编号:2882)今天公布集团与七名认购方就发行可换债劵订立认购协议,发行本金总额为216,000,000港元,该债券将于2013年到期。 more info >> |
香港資源發行可換股債劵總值216,000,000港元 |
香港資源控股有限公司(「香港資源」或「集團」;股份編號:2882)今天公佈集團與七名認購方就發行可換債劵訂立認購協議,發行本金總額為216,000,000港元,該債券將於2013年到期。 more info >> |
Hong Kong Resources Issues HK$216,000,000 of Convertible Bonds |
Hong Kong Resources Holdings Company Limited ("HKRH" or the "Group"; SEHK: 2882) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with seven subscribers to issue HK$216,000,000 aggregate principal amount of convertible bonds due 2013. more info >> |