Wednesday, January 9, 2013 |
Security Specialist Conax to Reveal Success behind 10 Years and 24 Million Secure Set-top-boxes in Indian Pay-TV Market |
Conax, global provider of leading solutions for securing multi-device and digital TV services, today announced it is inviting the media, customers and partners to a feature event at the 21st Convergence India in Delhi to highlight the 10th anniversary of Conax Access Systems Private Limited in India and the key factors that have created the company's market-leading success. more info >> |
Monday, October 29, 2012 |
CASBAA 2012: Conax Expert on "Securing content distribution - a marriage of content and devices" |
This year on the main stage at CASBAA, content security solutions expert Conax will bring CASBAA members insight on how a myriad of complementary technologies, valuable content and secure distribution and devices sustain the entire pay-TV ecosystem. more info >> |
Thursday, September 6, 2012 |
DNA in Finland Embarks on the Journey to Multiscreen with Conax and Partners |
Conax, a leading provider of solutions for protecting multi-device content distribution, announced today that Finnish Cable and Terrestrial operator, DNA, has entered a multiscreen pilot with partners Conax, Cubiware, MPS Broadband and Envivio. more info >> |
Thursday, August 23, 2012 |
IBC 2012: Conax Repositioning to Take a Larger Share of Evolving Media Market |
Conax, a leading global provider of solutions for protecting multi-device digital content distribution, will roll out fresh new branding at the IBC Expo in Amsterdam. more info >> |
Monday, June 18, 2012 |
Conax Launching Conax Xtend Multiscreen(TM) Solution at Communicasia with Partners Cubiware and MPS Broadband |
Conax, global security specialist for video content distribution will be launching the new Conax Xtend Multiscreen(TM) solution to the Asia markets at Communicasia. more info >> |
Saturday, April 21, 2012 |
Indian KCCL Elects Conax Security Solution for Digitization of Its 200 Cable TV Operations |
Conax will provide the Kerela cable operators with smooth migration to a digital environment and enable flexible integration of new services more info >> |
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 |
Conax Leading Philippines Pay-TV Market - New Contract with Cablelink |
Conax, a leading global provider of solutions for protecting multi-device digital content, announced it has recently signed a contract with cable operator, Cablelink, the 3rd largest MSO in the Philippines. more info >> |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 |
內容安全提供商康納斯(Conax)宣佈提供一系列解決方案,這些解決方案將能使中國付費電視運營商提供新型的混合,三網融合以及OTT客戶服務 |
今年在 CCBN(中國領先的亞太地區 播放技術展覽)上,, 安全提供商Conax將展示其旗艦產品Conax Contego(TM),這是一款用于保證付費運營內容安全的產品。 more info >> |
Content Security Provider Conax Announcing Solutions That Will Enable Chinese Pay-TV Operators to Leverage New Hybrid, Triple-play and OTT Consumer Services |
This year at CCBN, China's leading showcase for broadcasting technology in the Asia-Pacific region, security provider, Conax, will feature its flagship product, Conax Contego(TM) for securing pay-tv operations content. more info >> |
内容安全提供商康纳斯(Conax)宣布提供一系列解决方案,这些解决方案将能使中国付费电视运营商提供新型的混合,三网融合以及OTT客户服务 |
今年在 CCBN(中国领先的亚太地区 播放技术展览)上,, 安全提供商Conax将展示其旗舰产品Conax Contego(TM),这是一款用于保证付费运营内容安全的产品。 more info >> |