Wednesday, April 15, 2015 |
M+W集团指派Mark Garvey为亚太地区的新首席执行官 |
Mark Garvey,48岁,被指派为全球工程和建筑公司M+W集团亚太(APAC)地区的首席执行官(CEO)。从2015年5月1日起有效,他将从Helmut Kurzboeck那里接任,后者将寻找M+W集团以外的新机会。 more info >> |
Mark Garvey appointed new Chief Executive Officer for M+W Group's Asia-Pacific region |
Mark Garvey, 48, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region of the global engineering and construction company M+W Group. Effective 1 May 2015 he will take over this role from Helmut Kurzboeck, who will pursue new opportunities outside M+W Group. more info >> |
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 |
M+Wグループ、中国に製薬工場新設するメルク社から大規模な契約を受注 |
世界有数のハイテクエンジニアリング・建設会社であるM+Wグループは、中国に製薬工場を新設するメルク社から、大規模な契約を受注しました。 more info >> |
M+W 그룹, 머크社의 중국 제약공장 신축공사 수주 |
최첨단 엔지니어링 및 건설부문의 세계적 선도 기업인 M+W 그룹이 머크(Merck)사의 중국 제약공장 신축공사를 수주했다. 부지는 40,000m2 규모이며 상하이 난퉁경제기술연발구(NETDA)에 위치해 있다. M+W 그룹은 생산 및 부대건물에 대한 엔지니어링 설계, 조달, 건설 관리 및 검증 서비스를 담당하게 된다. more info >> |
M+W集團簽訂與Merck公司中國最新製藥廠相關的重大合同 |
M+W集團,作為世界頂尖的高科技工程建築公司,與Merck公司簽訂了一筆重大訂單,為了其在中國最新的製藥廠。該製藥廠佔地約40000平方米,位於大上海地區的南通經濟技術開發區。 M+W集團將會負責工廠製造和技術支持大樓的工程設計、材料購置、建築管理和驗收服務。 more info >> |
M+W集团签订与Merck公司中国最新制药厂相关的重大合同 |
M+W集团,作为世界顶尖的高科技工程建筑公司,与Merck公司签订了一笔重大订单,为了其在中国最新的制药厂。该制药厂占地约40000平方米,位于大上海地区的南通经济技术开发区。M+W集团将会负责工厂制造和技术支持大楼的工程设计、材料购置、建筑管理和验收服务。 more info >> |
Monday, October 6, 2014 |
M+W Group Receives Major Contract for Merck's New Pharmaceutical Facility in China |
M+W Group, one of the world's leading high-tech engineering and construction companies, has been awarded a major order from Merck for its new pharmaceutical facility in China. more info >> |
Friday, May 10, 2013 |
M+W Group at AchemAsia 2013 with Integrated Solutions for the Biotech, Chemical, Consumer Care, Nutrition and Pharmaceutical Industries |
With an international team of experts from Asia and Europe the global engineering and construction company M+W Group presents its integrated solutions at the AchemAsia exhibition stand (Booth No: M2) in Beijing National Convention Center from May 13 till 16. more info >> |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 |
M+W 그룹, 발전소 설계 전문 건설회사 인수 |
독일 슈투트가르트 소재 다국적 건설회사인 M+W그룹은 독일 라이프지히 근처의 슈큐디츠 (Schkeuditz)에 있는 릴라이어블 플랜트 솔루션즈 (RPS)의 인수 계약을 체결했다. more info >> |
M+Wグループ、発電所部門を専門とする設計会社を買収 |
国際的な設計・建設会社である、ドイツ、シュトゥットガルトの M+W グループは、ドイツ、ライプチヒの近くにあるシュケウディッツをベースにする Reliable Plant Solutions (RPS) GmbH を買収する契約に署名した。 more info >> |