Monday, March 22, 2021 |
China Dynamics Forms JV in Dubai to Develop EV Business |
China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited (HKG: 00476), a provider of new energy vehicles and technology integrated solutions, and W Motors Automotive Group Holding Limited (W Motors) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for strategic business cooperation. more info >> |
Friday, December 11, 2020 |
中国动力于菲律宾达沃市举办电动巴士车队启动礼 |
新能源汽车及技术综合解决方案供货商中国动力(控股)有限公司(「公司」;股份代号:476,连同其附属公司,统称「中国动力」或「集团」)继本月初于菲律宾马尼拉帕赛市(Pasay)推出电动巴士后,今天于菲律宾第三大城市达沃市(Davao)举办电动巴士车队启动礼 more info >> |
中國動力於菲律賓達沃市舉辦電動巴士車隊啟動禮 |
新能源汽車及技術綜合解決方案供應商中國動力(控股)有限公司(「公司」;股份代號:476,連同其附屬公司,統稱「中國動力」或「集團」)繼本月初於菲律賓馬尼拉帕賽市(Pasay)推出電動巴士後,今天於菲律賓第三大城市達沃市(Davao)舉辦電動巴士車隊啟動禮 more info >> |
China Dynamics Launches Electric Buses in Davao, Philippines |
China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited (the "Company"; (Stock Code: 476), together with its subsidiaries, collectively "China Dynamics" or the "Group"), a provider of new energy vehicles and technology integrated solutions, today launched its electric buses in Davao more info >> |
Thursday, November 19, 2020 |
中国动力向菲律宾交付首款冷气电动巴士 |
新能源汽车及技术综合解决方案供货商中国动力(控股)有限公司(「公司」;股份代号:476,连同其附属公司,统称「中国动力」或「集团」)欣然公布集团已向菲律宾第三大城市——达沃(Davao)交付电动巴士。此次成功取得合约除反映集团致力开发海外市场外,同时亦突显集团在新能源汽车市场的竞争优势。 more info >> |
中國動力向菲律賓交付首款冷氣電動巴士 |
新能源汽車及技術綜合解決方案供應商中國動力(控股)有限公司(「公司」;股份代號:476,連同其附屬公司,統稱「中國動力」或「集團」)欣然公布集團已向菲律賓第三大城市——達沃(Davao)交付電動巴士。 more info >> |
China Dynamics Delivers its First Air-conditioned Electric Buses to the Philippines |
China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 476, together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as "China Dynamics" or the "Group"), a provider of new energy vehicles and integrated technology solutions, is pleased to announce that the Group has completed the delivery of electric buses to Davao, the third largest city in the Philippines. more info >> |
Thursday, November 12, 2020 |
中国动力推出香港首辆电动无障碍小巴 |
新能源汽车及技术综合解决方案供应商中国动力(控股)有限公司(股份代号:476,连同其附属公司,统称「中国动力」或「集团」)宣布,集团自主研发的纯电无障碍智能小巴今日正式登陆香港,成为本港首辆电动无障碍小巴,并于香港科学园举行启动礼,让环保科技界、汽车业界及社会福利界代表,深入了解其有效环保节能、配合社会共融需要的特点。 more info >> |
中國動力推出香港首輛電動無障礙小巴 |
新能源汽車及技術綜合解決方案供應商中國動力(控股)有限公司(股份代號:476,連同其附屬公司,統稱「中國動力」或「集團」)宣佈,集團自主研發的純電無障礙智能小巴今日正式登陸香港,成為本港首輛電動無障礙小巴,並於香港科學園舉行啟動禮,讓環保科技界、汽車業界及社會福利界代表,深入瞭解其有效環保節能、配合社會共融需要的特點。 more info >> |
China Dynamics Launches First Electric Accessible Minibus in Hong Kong |
China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 476, together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as "China Dynamics" or the "Group"), a provider of new energy vehicles and integrated technology solutions, announced the official launch of its self-developed Pure Electric AI Accessible Minibus in Hong Kong today, marking the introduction of the first accessible electric minibus in the city. more info >> |