Thursday, July 16, 2015 |
联康生物科技获颁 Hong Kong Business上市公司大奖 – 最佳创新项目(药企) |
联康生物科技集团有限公司(「联康生物科技」或「集团」;股份代号:0690)凭藉Uni-E4项目,于首届Hong Kong Business(“HKB”)上市公司大奖 (Hong Kong Business Listed Companies Awards)中荣获最佳创新项目(药企)奖项(“Pharmaceuticals Award” for Best Innovation)。是次获奖彰显了集团用作治疗2型糖尿病的专利重组GLP-1 受体激动剂 – Uni-E4的高端科研。
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聯康生物科技獲頒 Hong Kong Business上市公司大獎 – 最佳創新項目(藥企) |
聯康生物科技集團有限公司(「聯康生物科技」或「集團」;股份代號:0690)憑藉Uni-E4項目,於首屆Hong Kong Business(“HKB”)上市公司大獎 (Hong Kong Business Listed Companies Awards)中榮獲最佳創新項目(藥企)獎項(“Pharmaceuticals Award” for Best Innovation)。是次獲獎彰顯了集團用作治療2型糖尿病的專利重組GLP-1 受體激動劑 – Uni-E4的高端科研。 more info >> |
Uni-Bio Science Group Garners "Pharmaceuticals Award" for Best Innovation at Hong Kong Business Listed Companies Awards |
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited ("Uni-Bio" or the "Group";HKEx code: 690) has garnered the "Pharmaceuticals Award" for Best Innovation with its Uni-E4 project at the inaugural Hong Kong Business ("HKB") Listed Companies Awards. As the winner under the pharmaceuticals category, the accolade is a strong testimony for the innovation of Uni-Bio's Uni-E4, the Group's proprietary recombinant GLP-1 receptor agonist for the treatment of Type-2 diabetes. more info >> |
Saturday, May 9, 2015 |
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association Announces the Winners of its 1st IR Awards |
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA) today announced the winners of its inaugural HKIRA 1st Investor Relations Awards. Guests from listed companies and the IR profession were present at today's IR Awards Conference and the Awards Presentation Ceremony to celebrate the winners' IR excellence and their dedication to IR best practice. more info >> |
Thursday, May 7, 2015 |
联康生物科技集团在香港投资者关系协会投资者关系大奖中勇夺殊荣 |
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聯康生物科技集團在香港投資者關係協會投資者關係大獎中勇奪殊榮 |
聯康生物科技集團有限公司(「聯康生物科技」或「集團」)(股份代號:0690)經過香港投資者關係協會首屆投資者關係大獎的嚴格投票程序後獲頒「最佳投資者關係公司–小型股」獎項,彰顯公司於提升企業管治水平、制定有效政策及堅守投資者關係最佳守則方面所作的努力。 more info >> |
Uni-Bio Science Group Honored at HKIRA's IR Awards |
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited ("Uni-Bio" or the "Group";HKEx code: 690) has garnered the "Best IR Company - Small Cap" Award after passing the stringent polling process of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association's ("HKIRA") first Investor Relations Awards ("IR Awards"). more info >> |
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 |
联康生物科技集团为旗下骨质疏松症药品Uni-PTH提交新药申请 获国家食药监总局接纳进行审批 |
联康生物科技集团有限公司(「联康生物科技」或「集团」;股份代号:0690)今天公布为旗下专利的甲状旁腺激素同功异质体pTH(1-34) Uni-PTH所提交的新药申请获国家食品药品监督管理总局(「国家食药监总局」)接纳,而当局现正就Uni-PTH用于治疗患有骨质疏松症的停经后妇女进行审批。 more info >> |
聯康生物科技集團為旗下骨質疏鬆症藥品Uni-PTH提交新藥申請 獲國家食藥監總局接納進行審批 |
聯康生物科技集團有限公司(「聯康生物科技」或「集團」;股份代號:0690)今天公佈為旗下專利的甲狀旁腺激素同功異質體pTH(1-34) Uni-PTH所提交的新藥申請獲國家食品藥品監督管理總局(「國家食藥監總局」)接納,而當局現正就Uni-PTH用於治療患有骨質疏鬆症的停經後婦女進行審批。 more info >> |
Uni-Bio Science Group's NDA for Osteoporosis Drug Uni-PTH Accepted for Review by CFDA |
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited ("Uni-Bio" or the "Group";HKEx code: 690) today announced that its New Drug Application ("NDA") for Uni-PTH, the Group's proprietary parathyroid hormone 1-34 analogue more info >> |