Wednesday, March 23, 2016 |
China Everbright Limited Announces FY2015 Annual Results |
China Everbright Limited ("CEL" or "the Group", stock code: 165.HK) today announced its audited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2015. more info >> |
Monday, March 7, 2016 |
光控CATALYST中国以色列基金投资于革命性3D打印公司XJET |
中国光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代号:165.HK)旗下的光控Catalyst中国以色列基金(「基金」)宣布,投资于革命性的3D打印公司Xjet有限公司(下称「XJet」或「公司」),XJet为全球首家采用直接3D金属喷墨式喷射系统的制造商,使用专利纳米金属喷射技术制作金属部件。 more info >> |
光控CATALYST中國以色列基金投資於革命性3D打印公司XJET |
中國光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代號:165.HK)旗下的光控Catalyst中國以色列基金(「基金」)宣布,投資於革命性的3D打印公司Xjet有限公司(下稱「XJet」或「公司」),XJet為全球首家採用直接3D金屬噴墨式噴射系統的製造商,使用專利納米金屬噴射技術製作金屬部件。 more info >> |
Catalyst CEL Fund invests in XJET Ltd. - a revolutionary 3D printing company |
China Everbright Limited ("CEL", stock code: 165.HK)'s Catalyst CEL Fund (the "Fund") is pleased to announce an investment into a disruptive 3D printing company XJet Ltd. more info >> |
Monday, February 22, 2016 |
光大中国焦点基金被知名对冲基金研究评估机构BarclayHedge评选为2015年新兴市场-亚洲对冲基金业绩冠军 |
中国光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代号:165.HK)旗下的光大中国焦点基金被知名的对冲基金研究评估机构BarclayHedge评为「2015年度新兴市场-亚洲对冲基金」及「2015年度新兴市场-亚洲股票型对冲基金」业绩冠军。 more info >> |
光大中國焦點基金被知名對沖基金研究評估機構BarclayHedge評選為2015年新興市場-亞洲對沖基金業績冠軍 |
中國光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代號:165.HK)旗下的光大中國焦點基金被知名的對沖基金研究評估機構BarclayHedge評為「2015年度新興市場-亞洲對沖基金」及「2015年度新興市場-亞洲股票型對沖基金」業績冠軍。 more info >> |
Everbright China Focus Fund Ranked No. 1 among Asian Hedge Funds in Net Performance by Leading Hedge Fund Research and Rating Firm BarclayHedge |
China Everbright Limited ("CEL", stock code: 165.HK)'s Everbright China Focus Fund (subsequently referred to as "the Fund") is ranked #1 in terms of net return by BarclayHedge, a leading hedge fund research and rating firm, in both categories of "Emerging Markets Equity - Asia" and "Emerging Markets (all asset class) - Asia" for the Year of 2015.
more info >> |
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 |
光控CATALYST中国以色列基金募资逾2亿美元 |
中国光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代号:165.HK)今天宣布光控Catalyst中国以色列基金(「基金」)本期至今已录得逾2亿美元的认购金额。 more info >> |
光控CATALYST中國以色列基金募資逾2億美元 |
中國光大控股有限公司(「光大控股」,股份代號:165.HK)今天宣布光控Catalyst中國以色列基金(「基金」)本期至今已錄得逾2億美元的認購金額。 more info >> |
Catalyst CEL Fund Raises More Than USD$200 Million |
China Everbright Limited ("CEL", stock code: 165.HK), a leading Hong Kong based asset manager and the offshore arm of the China Everbright Group, today announced that Catalyst CEL Fund ("the Fund") has to date raised commitments in excess of USD$200 million. The Fund is the first dedicated Israel-China private equity Fund and was established in partnership with Catalyst Private Equity ("Catalyst"), a leading Israeli private equity firm. more info >> |