Friday, October 8, 2021 |
Legend Capital leads ForQaly Medical's Series B financing |
ForQaly Medical (hereinafter referred to as "ForQaly"), located in Shanghai Zhangjiang International Medical Zone, is a leading high-tech company focused on developing micro-traumatic circulatory assistant devices. more info >> |
Monday, September 27, 2021 |
君联资本物流供应链投资进入收获期 |
近年来,物流行业频频迎来重大资本事件,快运、供应链、货运平台、航空物流、自动驾驶等多个领域都迎来上市潮。 more info >> |
君聯資本物流供應鏈投資進入收穫期 |
近年來,物流行業頻頻迎來重大資本事件,快運、供應鏈、貨運平台、航空物流、自動駕駛等多個領域都迎來上市潮。 more info >> |
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 |
联想主动出击 瞄准四大板块 |
据智富杂志报道,联想控股(03396)刚踏入上市一周年,可惜在这个惊涛骇浪的股海中,令其股价亦大幅下滑,难怪联想控股董事长柳传志被问到如何看股价大挫时亦沉默数秒,坦言对股价表现失望,却认为除了是大环境的影响,亦有公司自身的问题,因投资者对公司业务不了解。 more info >> |
Monday, September 27, 2021 |
Legend Capital is reaping the rewards in its logistics and supply chain investment |
In recent years, the logistics and supply chain industry has ushered in many important capital events, with a lot of companies went public in fields like express, supply chain, freight platform, aviation logistics and automatic driving. more info >> |
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 |
Legend Capital Led a New Round of Investment of Etana |
Legend Capital led a new round of investment of PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana), along with Innovent Biologics, Inc. (Innovent) (HKEX: 01801), and a consortium led by UOB Venture Management (UOBVM). more info >> |
Friday, September 10, 2021 |
君联资本上半年收获4个MedTech IPO:深耕长线,聚焦创新 |
近日,中国专注于肿瘤全病程管理的基因检测公司“和瑞基因”宣布完成人民币近7亿元B1轮融资,获君联资本持续加持,另有招商局资本领投,启明创投持续加持,中金启辰、易方达资本、福建创新投资、建发新兴投资等知名投资机构跟投。 more info >> |
君聯資本上半年收穫4個MedTech IPO:深耕長線,聚焦創新 |
近日,中國專注於腫瘤全病程管理的基因檢測公司“和瑞基因”宣佈完成人民幣近7億元B1輪融資,獲君聯資本持續加持,另有招商局資本領投,啟明創投持續加持,中金啟辰、易方達資本、福建創新投資、建發新興投資等知名投資機構跟投。 more info >> |
Legend Capital enjoys 4 MedTech IPOs in 1H2021, focusing on long-term and innovation investment |
Recently, Berry Oncology, a company focusing on genomic testing of cancers in China, announced the completion of a US$99.15 million Series B1 financing round, with Legend Capital's continuous support. more info >> |
Thursday, September 2, 2021 |
Legend Holdings Announces 2021 Interim Results, Revenue and Net Profit Attributable to Equity Holders Recorded a Historical High |
According to South China Morning Post, in the first half of 2021, the uncertainty of the COVID-19 threatened the global economic recovery, while China benefited from the good control of the epidemic situation, the economy continued to recover steadily, production and market demand continued to increase, many enterprises emerged from the impact of the epidemic and announced excellent interim results. more info >> |