Thursday, March 30, 2017 |
Legend Holdings 2016 net profit increases by 4.3% to RMB4,859m |
Legend Holdings Corporation ("Legend Holdings" or the "Company"; HK:3396) is pleased to announce the audited annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2016 (the "Reporting Year").
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017 |
聯想控股2016年歸母淨利人民幣48.59億,同比上升4.3% |
聯想控股股份有限公司(「聯想控股」或「公司」;股份代號:3396.HK)於今日宣布其截至2016年12月31日止12個月(「報告年內」)之經審計全年業績。 more info >> |
联想控股2016年归母净利人民币48.59亿,同比上升4.3% |
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Legend Holdings FY2016 net profit increases 4.3% to RMB4,859 million |
Legend Holdings Corporation ("Legend Holdings" or the "Company"; HK:3396) is pleased to announce the audited annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2016 (the "Reporting Year"). more info >> |
Thursday, February 23, 2017 |
柳传志获意大利总统授勋“意大利之星勋章” |
2017年2月21日,应习近平主席的邀请,意大利总统马塔雷拉(H.E. Sergio Mattarella)在其任期内首次访华。 more info >> |
柳傳志獲義大利總統授勳「義大利之星勳章」 |
2017年2月21日,應習近平主席的邀請,義大利總統馬塔雷拉(H.E. Sergio Mattarella)在其任期內首次訪華。 more info >> |
Monday, October 24, 2016 |
柳傳志:擴大消費外「雙創」是經濟增長另一動力 |
據聯合早報報導,雙創”戰略兩年前由中國總理李克強提出,被視為中國經濟新常態下的新增長引擎之一。 more info >> |
Entrepreneurship, Consumption will propel China's Growth |
According to Straits Times, China's economy is facing pressure as it undergoes a transition, but there are still areas with opportunities for growth, said Mr. Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of Legend Holdings, and founder of Lenovo. more info >> |
柳传志:扩大消费外“双创”是经济增长另一动力 |
据联合早报报道,双创”战略两年前由中国总理李克强提出,被视为中国经济新常态下的新增长引擎之一。 more info >> |
Thursday, September 29, 2016 |
League of Legends |
Liu Chuanzhi is best known as the founder of Lenovo. But he now wants to draw attention to three funds that have quietly become his company's biggest source of profits. more info >> |