Thursday, May 23, 2019 |
Tohoku University and DOCOMO Launch Research Project to Develop Artificial-intelligence Technology for Periodontal Disease Detection |
Japan-based Tohoku University and NTT DOCOMO, INC. have begun researching an artificial-intelligence (AI) technology to detect periodontal disease simply by photographing a person's gums with a smartphone. more info >> |
Friday, May 17, 2019 |
DOCOMO Develops Safe, Blade-free Drone Propelled with Ultrasonic Vibrations |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. has developed a blimp-style drone that is propelled safely through the air with ultrasonic vibrations, offering promising applications in homes, concert halls and other indoor spaces. more info >> |
Thursday, April 18, 2019 |
DOCOMO, DOCOMO USA and ITOCHU Logistics to trial IoT Fleet Management solution in US |
NTT DOCOMO, INC., NTT DOCOMO USA, Inc., ITOCHU LOGISTICS CORP. and ITOCHU LOGISTICS (USA) CORP. announced that they would trial an IoT solution that uses easily deployed devices compatible with low-power, wide-area LTE-M technology to enable delivery businesses to visualize the status of outsourced trucks in their fleets. more info >> |
Friday, March 29, 2019 |
NTT DOCOMO Agrees to Sell Stake in Hutchison Telephone |
HTHKH will purchase DOCOMO's entire 24.1% share of HTCL's stock and thereafter HTCL will become a wholly owned subsidiary of HTHKH. more info >> |
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 |
DOCOMO to Further Expand 5G Trials with Overseas Partners |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. has agreed with enterprises and organizations in the United States and Israel as well as Japan to collaborate in trials involving a 5G mobile test network established in Guam with the aim of verifying 5G-compatible systems and equipment for new business solutions. more info >> |
Sony and DOCOMO to Test Driverless Concept Vehicle via 5G Trial Network in Guam |
Sony Corporation and NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced today that they will jointly trial Sony's conceptual driverless vehicle, the New Concept Cart SC-1, which leverages 5G mobile technologies for various remotely controlled functions. more info >> |
NEC、NTTドコモ・ALSOKが会津若松市で実施した5Gを活用した地域見守りの実証試験に貢献 |
NECは、株式会社NTTドコモ・綜合警備保障株式会社(ALSOK)が会津若松市で実施した5Gを活用した地域見守りの実証試験に、5G向け基地局システム(注1)及び遠隔業務支援システム(注2)の提供を通して貢献しました。 more info >> |
ソニーとドコモ、グアム島の5G試験環境を活用したニューコンセプトカート SC-1に関する共同実証実験に合意 |
ソニー株式会社(以下、ソニー)と株式会社NTTドコモ(以下、ドコモ)は、第5世代移動通信方式(以下、5G)を活用した新たな利用シーンの創出に向け、ドコモがグアム島に開設した「ドコモ5Gオープンラボ(R) GUAM」、および100%子会社であるドコモパシフィック社が2019年夏以降に提供開始予定の屋外試験環境を活用し、ソニーが開発したニューコンセプトカートSC-1※1(以下、本カート)の遠隔操作実現に向けた共同実証実験(以下、本実験)を行うことについて本日合意しました。 more info >> |
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 |
DOCOMO and STP to Test Drone-based Inspection Service in Indonesia |
NTT DOCOMO, INC and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. (STP), a company that leases out telecommunication towers in Indonesia, announced today that they have agreed to test a service, named docomo sky for Tower Inspection, that uses drones to photograph base stations and telecom towers and transmit the information to a command center in real time. more info >> |
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 |
DOCOMO to Support 5G Game Streaming in Japan |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. has made an investment in cloud gaming pioneer Hatch Entertainment Ltd, provider of the world's first made-for-5G game streaming service in Finland, on February 4. more info >> |