Wednesday, March 27, 2019 |
ソニーとドコモ、グアム島の5G試験環境を活用したニューコンセプトカート SC-1に関する共同実証実験に合意 |
ソニー株式会社(以下、ソニー)と株式会社NTTドコモ(以下、ドコモ)は、第5世代移動通信方式(以下、5G)を活用した新たな利用シーンの創出に向け、ドコモがグアム島に開設した「ドコモ5Gオープンラボ(R) GUAM」、および100%子会社であるドコモパシフィック社が2019年夏以降に提供開始予定の屋外試験環境を活用し、ソニーが開発したニューコンセプトカートSC-1※1(以下、本カート)の遠隔操作実現に向けた共同実証実験(以下、本実験)を行うことについて本日合意しました。 more info >> |
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 |
DOCOMO and STP to Test Drone-based Inspection Service in Indonesia |
NTT DOCOMO, INC and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. (STP), a company that leases out telecommunication towers in Indonesia, announced today that they have agreed to test a service, named docomo sky for Tower Inspection, that uses drones to photograph base stations and telecom towers and transmit the information to a command center in real time. more info >> |
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 |
DOCOMO to Support 5G Game Streaming in Japan |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. has made an investment in cloud gaming pioneer Hatch Entertainment Ltd, provider of the world's first made-for-5G game streaming service in Finland, on February 4. more info >> |
Monday, March 18, 2019 |
DOCOMO Earns Gold Prize for Card Keitai at iF Design Award 2019 |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. has announced that its Card Keitai (KY-01L) ultra-thin mobile phone earned the company the gold prize at iF Design Award 2019 on March 15. DOCOMO is the first Japanese mobile network operator to win the coveted prize. more info >> |
Thursday, March 14, 2019 |
DOCOMO to Test Remote-Monitoring Solution for Eldercare |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. will jointly conduct a proof-of-concept trial of a remote-monitoring solution for eldercare in collaboration with Tellus You Care, Inc., the developer of a compact, non-wearable smart device that wirelessly detects and communicates human activities in indoor locations, in or after April. more info >> |
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 |
NTTドコモと富士通、妊産婦がエコー画像などを「母子健康手帳アプリ」で手軽に確認できる「妊婦健診 結果参照サービス」を産科医療機関に提供開始 |
株式会社NTTドコモ(注1、以下 ドコモ)と富士通株式会社(注2、以下 富士通)は、ドコモの「母子健康手帳アプリ」と富士通の健康医療情報管理基盤「FUJITSU ヘルスケアソリューション Healthcare Personal service Platform」(以下、Healthcare Personal service Platform)を連携させ、妊産婦が、自身の診療情報であるPersonal Health Record(注3、以下 PHR)の一部を病院に赴くことなくスマートフォンで参照できる「妊婦健診 結果参照サービス」を提供します。 more info >> |
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 |
DOCOMO & DOCOMO ASIA to Trial Bus-locater Service in Singapore |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. and NTT DOCOMO ASIA Pte. Ltd. have begun a trial online service to update parents and kindergarten staff about the locations of kindergarten buses on Singapore's roadways. more info >> |
Friday, March 1, 2019 |
NTT DOCOMO and Mizuho Bank Testing Network-Connected Auto Loan Service in Indonesia |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. and Mizuho Bank, Ltd. are jointly conducting a proof-of-concept trial in Indonesia through their respective local subsidiaries from March 1 to November 30 to test an advanced financial service -- network-connected auto loans. more info >> |
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 |
DOCOMO and DOCOMO ASIA Commence Trial of Fiber Manufacturing IoT Solution in Thailand |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. and NTT DOCOMO ASIA Pte. Ltd. have begun conducting a trial of an IoT monitoring system to improve the manufacturing performance of a synthetic-fibers factory in Thailand. more info >> |
DOCOMO and Spacemarket to Webcast Events from Various Venues |
NTT DOCOMO, INC. and Spacemarket, Inc. will collaborate in webcast events staged at various venues, including traditional residences, public spaces, restaurants and even temples, for shared experiences. more info >> |