Tuesday, March 17, 2020 |
亞洲聯合基建簽訂12.5億港元三年期之定期貸款協議 |
亞洲聯合基建控股有限公司(「亞洲聯合基建」或「集團」)(股份代號:00711)今天欣然宣布與5家銀行簽訂12.5億港元的定期貸款協議。 more info >> |
Asia Allied Infrastructure Concludes HK$1.25 Billion 3-year Term Loan Agreement |
Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited ("Asia Allied Infrastructure" or "the Group") (stock code: 00711) is pleased to announce today that it has entered into a HK$1.25 billion term loan agreement with 5 banks. more info >> |
Friday, February 21, 2020 |
Uniting Hong Kong People to Fight the Coronavirus, Chun Wo Charitable Foundation Donates over 200,000 Surgical Masks and HK$400,000 |
Chun Wo Charitable Foundation Limited ("Chun Wo Charitable Foundation" or "Chun Wo") has sought to helped the underprivileged in the community in the wake of coronavirus outbreak. It has donated more than 200,000 surgical masks to people in need through various social welfare agencies and children hospitals. more info >> |
與香港人同心抗疫 俊和慈善基金捐贈逾20萬個口罩及捐款40萬港元 |
俊和慈善基金有限公司(「俊和慈善基金」或「俊和」)冀能在嚴峻疫情下為弱勢社群出一分力,透過多間社福機構及兒童醫院捐贈逾200,000個口罩予有需要人士,以及透過建造業界分包商及建造業議會向前線建築工人派發,望能解他們燃眉之急。 more info >> |
Monday, January 21, 2019 |
INNO@CHUNWO成功研发快速修补砂浆物料 提高旧楼维修效益 |
由俊和发展集团有限公司(「俊和」)成立的Inno@ChunWo,于今天假创新中心举办创新技术发布会。 more info >> |
INNO@CHUNWO成功研發快速修補砂漿物料 提高舊樓維修效益 |
由俊和發展集團有限公司(「俊和」)成立的Inno@ChunWo,於今天假創新中心舉辦創新技術發布會。 more info >> |
INNO@CHUNWO Succeeds In Developing R2M2 - Enhances Efficiency of Repairing Old Buildings |
Inno@ChunWo, established by Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited ("Chun Wo"), hosted an announcement on innovative technology at InnoCentre today. more info >> |
Monday, November 5, 2018 |
亚洲联合基建与俊和五十周年志庆 |
亚洲联合基建控股有限公司(「亚洲联合基建」或「集团」,股份代号:00711)及其全资附属公司俊和发展集团有限公司(「俊和」)上星期五假天际100 举行五十周年金禧纪念庆祝酒会,庆祝集团过去发展的丰硕成果及辉煌成就,并邀得中港澳三地的业界与政商界翘楚到场祝贺,盛况空前。 more info >> |
亞洲聯合基建與俊和五十周年誌慶 |
亞洲聯合基建控股有限公司(「亞洲聯合基建」或「集團」,股份代號:00711)及其全資附屬公司俊和發展集團有限公司(「俊和」)上星期五假天際 100 舉行五十周年金禧紀念慶祝酒會,慶祝集團過去發展的豐碩成果及輝煌成就,並邀得中港澳三地的業界與政商界翹楚到場祝賀,盛況空前。
more info >> |
AAI And Chun Wo Celebrate 50th Anniversary |
Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited ("AAI" or "Group", stock code: 00711) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited ("Chun Wo") hosted a 50th Anniversary Celebration Cocktail at sky100 last Friday to commemorate their fruitful results and accomplishments in developing business over the years. more info >> |