Friday, May 21, 2021 |
Agilex Biolabs與Endpoints新聞合作開展消卷積炎症和免疫學臨床試驗 |
澳大利亞最大,技術最先進的臨床試驗專業生物分析實驗室Agilex Biolabs與Endpoints News合作,在Endpoints News編輯Arsalan Arif主持的網絡研討會上分享了有關去卷積炎症和免疫學的最新臨床試驗信息。 more info >> |
Agilex Biolabs与Endpoints新闻合作开展消卷积炎症和免疫学临床试验 |
澳大利亚最大,技术最先进的临床试验专业生物分析实验室Agilex Biolabs与Endpoints News合作,在Endpoints News编辑Arsalan Arif主持的网络研讨会上分享了有关去卷积炎症和免疫学的最新临床试验信息。 more info >> |
Agilex Biolabs Partners with Endpoints News on Deconvoluting Inflammation and Immunology for Clinical Trials |
Agilex Biolabs, Australia's largest and most technologically advanced specialist bioanalytical laboratory for clinical trials is partnering with Endpoints News to share the latest on deconvoluting inflammation and immunology for clinical trials, in a webinar hosted by Endpoints News Editor Arsalan Arif. more info >> |
Monday, May 17, 2021 |
Agilex Biolabs' Toxicology Tapped for SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Research |
Agilex Biolabs, Australia's largest and most technologically advanced specialist bioanalytical laboratory for clinical trials, said biotechs with first-in-human studies can leverage significant quality, speed and cost advantages working with their company TetraQ toxicology for pre-clinical research in Australia. more info >> |
Saturday, May 1, 2021 |
애질렉스 바이오랩스, BNC210에서 PK 결과 얻은 바이오노믹스를 축하 |
임상 실험에 있어 호주 최대 규모를 자랑하며 기술적으로 가장 발전된 전문 바이오 분석 연구소인 애질렉스 바이오랩스는, 7일 동안 건강한 지원자들을 대상으로 신규 개발된 경구용 고체 제제 BNC210을 투여하는 실험 결과 양성인 약물동태학(PK)적 결과를 얻은 바이오노믹스 리미티드 사에 오늘 축하 인사를 건넸다. more info >> |
Friday, April 30, 2021 |
Agilex Biolabs祝賀Bionomics Limited BNC210 PK上的結果 |
澳大利亞最大,技術最先進的臨床試驗專業生物分析實驗室Agilex Biolabs今天祝賀客戶Bionomics Limited(Bionomics)使用新開發的固體劑型口服片劑在健康志願者中進行了為期7天的劑量研究,結果為健康志願者產生了積極的藥代動力學(PK)結果BNC210的配方。 more info >> |
Agilex Biolabs祝贺Bionomics Limited BNC210 PK上的结果 |
澳大利亚最大,技术最先进的临床试验专业生物分析实验室Agilex Biolabs今天祝贺客户Bionomics Limited(Bionomics)使用新开发的固体剂型口服片剂在健康志愿者中进行了为期7天的剂量研究,结果为健康志愿者产生了积极的药代动力学(PK)结果 BNC210的配方。 more info >> |
Agilex Biolabs Congratulates Bionomics Limited on BNC210 PK Results |
Agilex Biolabs, Australia's largest and most technologically advanced specialist bioanalytical laboratory for clinical trials, today congratulated client Bionomics Limited (Bionomics) on its positive pharmacokinetic (PK) results from a 7-day dosing study in healthy volunteers using the newly developed solid dose oral tablet formulation of BNC210. more info >> |
Thursday, April 29, 2021 |
애질렉스 바이오랩스와 B2S 생명과학, 임상실험용 면역 분석법 바이오 분석에 대한 중요 주제 공유 |
임상 실험에 있어 호주 최대 규모를 자랑하며 기술적으로 가장 발전된 전문 바이오 분석 연구소인 애질렉스 바이오랩스는 바이오 의약품 및 진단법 개발 연구진의 뛰어난 분석 방법과 연구 결과를 발전시켜나가는 바이오 의약품 촉진 기업인 B2S 생명과학와 함께 웹 세미나를 통해 임상실험을 위한 면역원성 및 바이오마커 필요조건을 탐색하기 위한 주요 방법에 대한 의견을 공유했다. more info >> |
Agilex Biolabs and B2S Life Sciences on Immunoassay Bioanalysis for Clinical Trials |
Agilex Biolabs, Australia's largest and most technologically advanced specialist bioanalytical laboratory for clinical trials, and B2S Life Sciences, a biotherapeutic enablement company advancing improved analytical methods and outcomes for developers of biotherapeutic drugs and diagnostics, has shared via webinar key ways to navigate the immunogenicity and biomarker requirements for clinical trials. more info >> |