Friday, September 15, 2023 |
CGFNS Appoints New Chief Technology Officer to Lead its Digital Transformation |
Amid technological advances in the credentialing industry and a growing global focus on addressing health workforce deployment, CGFNS International announced today it has appointed a new Chief Technology Officer. Nish Jayamohan comes to CGFNS with nearly two decades of experience managing technology product and application development in the healthcare space. more info >> |
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 |
New CGFNS Survey of Immigrant Nurses in the U.S. Reveals Their Economic Impact |
In addition to helping alleviate a chronic nursing shortage in the United States, immigrant nurses are estimated to spend well over $46 billion annually in the U.S. economy while providing hundreds of millions more in financial support to family members back home, according to a report from CGFNS International, a global leader in credentials evaluation services that support health worker mobility. more info >> |
New CGFNS Survey of Immigrant Nurses in the U.S. Reveals Their Economic Impact |
In addition to helping alleviate a chronic nursing shortage in the United States, immigrant nurses are estimated to spend well over $46 billion annually in the U.S. economy while providing hundreds of millions more in financial support to family members back home, according to a report from CGFNS International, a global leader in credentials evaluation services that support health worker mobility. more info >> |
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 |
Veteran Healthcare Communicator Lea Sims Appointed to Lead CGFNS Marketing and Communications |
CGFNS International announced today that it has appointed Lea Sims, a veteran executive who has held both private and public sector marketing leadership roles, as its Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. Sims will join the CGFNS senior leadership team and play an integral role in driving the organization's brand transformation strategy. more info >> |
Veteran Healthcare Communicator Lea Sims Appointed to Lead CGFNS Marketing and Communications |
CGFNS International announced today that it has appointed Lea Sims, a veteran executive who has held both private and public sector marketing leadership roles, as its Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. Sims will join the CGFNS senior leadership team and play an integral role in driving the organization's brand transformation strategy. more info >> |
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 |
Responding to the Need for Accelerated Nursing Credentials Verification, CGFNS and NCSBN Step Up Collaboration to Address Gaps and Improve Efficiencies |
As U.S. health systems continue to struggle with a chronic nursing shortage, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and CGFNS International, a global leader in international credentials evaluation to support health professional mobility, are expanding their collaboration to help expedite credentials verification while boosting fraud detection and ensuring patient safety. more info >> |
Responding to the Need for Accelerated Nursing Credentials Verification, CGFNS and NCSBN Step Up Collaboration to Address Gaps and Improve Efficiencies |
As U.S. health systems continue to struggle with a chronic nursing shortage, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and CGFNS International, a global leader in international credentials evaluation to support health professional mobility, are expanding their collaboration to help expedite credentials verification while boosting fraud detection and ensuring patient safety. more info >> |
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 |
With U.S. Health Systems Under Growing Pressure to Fill Staff Vacancies, CGFNS Alliance Releases Updated Standards for Ethical Recruitment of Foreign Health Workers |
As U.S. healthcare employers confront major staffing challenges, the Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices, a division of CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS), has updated and strengthened its ethical recruitment code, which establishes best practice standards for fair and transparent recruitment of foreign-educated health professionals into the U.S. more info >> |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 |
隨著美國衛生系統面臨越來越大的填補人員空缺的壓力,CGFNS 聯盟發布了外國衛生工作者道德招聘的更新標準 |
由於美國醫療保健雇主面臨重大的人員配置挑戰, CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS) 的一個部門德國際招聘實踐聯盟更新並加強了其道德招聘準則,該準則為公平和透明的外國招聘建立了最佳實踐標準 -受過教育的衛生專業人員進入美國。 more info >> |
随着美国卫生系统面临越来越大的填补人员空缺的压力,CGFNS 联盟发布了外国卫生工作者道德招聘的更新标准 |
由于美国医疗保健雇主面临重大的人员配置挑战, CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS) 的一个部门德国际招聘实践联盟更新并加强了其道德招聘准则,该准则为公平和透明的外国招聘建立了最佳实践标准 -受过教育的卫生专业人员进入美国。 more info >> |