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Tuesday, 16 October 2012, 21:00 HKT/SGT

Source: marcus evans Summits
Strong Investments Thrive from a Positive Feedback Process
Hiromi Yamaoka, Deputy General Director, Bank of Japan, a speaker at the marcus evans Institutional Investors APAC Summit 2012, discusses how institutional investors can take advantage of the growth in Asia.

London, Oct 16, 2012 - (ACN Newswire) - Portfolio diversification is a great advantage to investing in a number of countries with various economic structures, says Hiromi Yamaoka, Deputy General Director, Bank of Japan. This benefit can be further advanced by the development of financial systems and the full use of domestic investments, he adds.

A speaker at the upcoming marcus evans Institutional Investors APAC Summit 2012, in Macao, China, 29 - 31 October, Yamaoka shares his views on how institutional investors and asset managers can share knowledge to decrease costs and uncertainty.

- How can institutional investors take advantage of future opportunities in Asia?

Asia is now a growth driver of the global economy. Moreover, investing in a number of countries in this area can create a diversified portfolio. The introduction of a globally shared regulatory framework may help maintain diversity while facilitating comprehensive risk management on a global basis. Efforts and additional costs may have to be put into understanding different economic structures, business models and cultures, so as to get the most out of diversification benefits.

- Can you suggest some methods for successful transparency?

Institutional investors and asset managers should constitute a healthy relationship, and are expected to voluntarily share information to create a mutually beneficial outcome and decrease costs and uncertainty.

A positive feedback process is needed where investors frankly ask for information needed to make investment decisions. It is desirable that transparency is voluntarily enhanced before being forced by market pressures.

- What new financial and investment regulations should investors in Asia prepare for due to the financial crisis?

Investors should prepare for country specific and global regulatory changes. In principle, these developments will enhance the resiliency of financial systems in Asia and, consequently, be eventually beneficial also to investors. Being familiar with the context of these developments and paying attention to the authorities' conduct in such areas can help them prepare.

- What problems are institutional investors facing in this region and how can these be overcome?

Asia is now the growth centre of the global economy and yet it is up against a number of challenges. The current problems in Europe are causing downward pressures on Asian economies, especially through trade channels. The deleveraging of eurozone banks may cause further impact through finance outlets. Nonetheless, sound developments of financial intermediation in Asia would be able to alleviate such negative impacts to some extent.

In view of relatively large economic swings, underdevelopment of securitised businesses and some natural disaster risks in Asia, authentic credit risk management and attention to business continuity planning can be important especially in Asia.

Institutional Investors APAC Summit 2012

This unique forum will take place at the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel, Macao, China, 29 - 31 October 2012. Offering much more than any conference, exhibition or trade show, this exclusive meeting will bring together esteemed industry thought leaders and solution providers to a highly focused and interactive networking event. The Summit includes visionary presentations and interactive forums on the macroeconomics of market disruptions, the regulatory reform after the financial crisis and investigating the Chinese bubble to reveal opportunities for risk mitigation and growth. For more information please send an email to info@marcusevanscy.com or visit the event website at www.iiapacsummit.com/HiromiYamaokaInterview.

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Please note that the Summit is a closed business event and the number of participants strictly limited.

Maria Gregoriou
Journalist, marcus evans, Summits Division
Tel: +357 22 849 400
Email: press@marcusevanscy.com

Topic: Press release summary
Source: marcus evans Summits

Sectors: Daily Finance, Daily News
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