HONG KONG, Feb 2, 2015 - (ACN Newswire) - Synertone Communication Corporation ("Synertone" or the "Group"; stock code: 1613.HK) is pleased to announce that the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly Chairman and Global Sustainability Foundation Chairman Dr. John Ashe, Global Sustainability Foundation CFO Ms. Heidi and The New York Academy of Sciences Group visit Synertone headquarters in Shenzhen. Both sides would promote the project of "STEM China Coalition Distance Satellite Real-time Educational Network System" and got a deep communication and substantive effect. Both sides officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which will start all-round cooperation. Dr. John Ashe, President of Global Sustainability Foundation formally appointed Dr. Wang, Chief Strategy Officer of Synertone as the Vice Chairman of the Science and Innovation Committee of Global Sustainability Foundation and Vice General Executive Director of STEM China Coalition, to promote the implementation and development of STEM project in China.
 | The 68th Session of UN General Assembly President, Dr. John Ashe visits Synertone headquarter in Shenzhen |
Global Sustainability Foundation is dedicated to promote the "STEM China Coalition Distance Satellite Real-time Educational Network System" to resolve the education problem of the remote poverty areas in China. In the modern information society, there are still about 667,000 poor rural villages in China cannot connect to the internet. More than 21 million children whom deprived of education are unable to receive a good fundamental education as a result of unfairly lose on the starting line, and unable to be out of poverty and integrate in to the modern society with no knowledge, cultures and skills. Due to limited educational and information resources in comparison urban areas, children in rural area is quite difficult to compete with children in the urban area for their future. As a result, they are very likely to live in the margin of the society. The STEM China Coalition and Synertone would work together to build the "STEM China Coalition Distance Satellite Real-time Educational Network System" and dedicate to bring the high education resource in urban to the poor rural areas, allowing more than 21 million unattended children to share the urban high quality education in real time. In this project, Synertone would be the only provider and supporter of the satellite communication technology system. With the support of the most advanced satellite communication technology, Synertone Communication Corporation is able to transmit the classes of top primary and secondary school in the urban area to the children in the rural area. Meanwhile, Synertone also provides free WIFI communication service. With the support of this service, the real-time interaction between students and teachers will become feasible. This educational system not only delivers free and high quality educational resources to the children in the poor rural areas, but also helps these children to get to know of how to use internet to access the outside world. This is crucial for the children to accumulate knowledge and skills that may change their future, and enable them to move out of poverty and create wealth.
Dr. John Ashe is the Chairman of the Global Sustainability Foundation Board and is the President of the 68th General Assembly.
Dr. John W. Ashe of Antigua and Barbuda was elected President of the General Assembly's sixty-eighth Session on 14 June 2013 while serving in the dual capacity as his country's Permanent Representative to both the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, positions he has held since 2004.
Guided by a passion for sustainable development, Mr. Ashe has been in the forefront of international efforts to address the adverse effects of climate change and the fight to eradicate poverty. He has served in a leadership capacity on many of the governing bodies of the major UN environmental agreements, including as the first Chairman of the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He also chaired the same Convention's Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), and, most recently, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP). "We only have the planet we live on, and if we are to leave it in a reasonable state for the next generation, the quest for a safer, cleaner, and more equitable world is one that should consume us all," he says, summing up his philosophy.
Mr. Ashe is also known for his abilities as a mediator. He successfully led negotiations that resulted in Chapter X of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation at the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development (Rio+10); and co-chaired the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012. In 2004 he presided over the thirteenth Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, the body responsible for reviewing programmed on the implementation of Agenda 21-a blueprint to rethink economic growth, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection.
A veteran of the multilateral process, in 2008 Mr. Ashe was elected to serve as Chairman of the New York chapter of the Group of 77 and China, the largest coalition of developing nations in the UN system. He also chaired the General Assembly's High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation, the UN's main policymaking body dedicated to furthering cooperation for development among the countries comprising the global South.
Well versed in the UN's administrative and budgetary processes, Mr. Ashe was Chairman of the UN General Assembly's Fifth Committee in 2004, successfully guiding negotiations for the world body's 2006-2007 biennial budgets. In addition, he has served on the governing boards of major UN funds and programmes, including as President of the UN Development Programme (UNDP)-UN Population Fund (UNFPA)-UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Executive Board in 2010, and as President of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Board in 2012.
Related links: Link to Dr. John Ashe: http://www.gsfoundation.org/#!dr-john-ashe/c1uyy Link to GSDF: http://www.gsfoundation.org/ Link to NYAS: http://www.nyas.org/
Photo Caption: First row: Dr. Wang Ruiyun, Chief Strategy Officer of Synertone Communication Corporation, and Vice Chairman of the Science and Innovation Committee of Global Sustainability Foundation (right) Ms. Heidi Park, Chief Finance Officer of Global Sustainability Foundation (left)
Second row: Dr. John Ashe, Chairman of the 68th Session of UNGA, and Honorary Chairman of Global Sustainability Foundation (the fifth one on the left) Ms.TC Westcott, Vice Executive President and Chief Operating Officer (the fourth one on the right) Mr. William, Global Cooperation Development Director of Global Sustainability Foundation (the second one on the left) Mr. Liu, Chairman of University-industry Cooperative Promotion Association and former Vice Chairman of CPPCC (the third one on the left) Ms. Guo, Chairman of Shenzhen Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (the fourth one on the left) Ms. Cynthia, Chairman of Shenzhen Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (the fourth one on the left) Mr. Harrison, Vice President and Executive Director of Synertone Communication Corporation, and President of Synertone Satellite Communication Company (the fourth one on the right) Dr. Yao, Chief Operating Officer of Synertone Communication Corporation (the first one on the right) Dr. Wu, Vice President of Synertone Communication Corporation and President of Synertone Communication Technology Company (the third one on the right)
Topic: Press release summary
Source: Synertone Communication Corporation
Sectors: Media & Marketing, Daily Finance, IT Individual, Daily News
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