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Monday, 3 April 2017, 12:51 JST

Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
MHI Holds Welcoming Ceremony for New Employees in 2017
- President Miyanaga Offers Advice and Encouragement -

TOKYO, Apr 3, 2017 - (JCN Newswire) - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) held a ceremony this morning at Shinagawa Intercity Hall in Tokyo to formally welcome new employees joining the Company this year, the majority of whom are recent graduates embarking on careers and preparing to enter the world of work. MHI President and CEO Shunichi Miyanaga addressed the new recruits, both as head of one of Japanese leading manufacturing companies and, on a more personal level, as someone with deep experience in business and society. He indicated how they should prepare themselves to serve as MHI employees and expressed his high hopes and strong expectations for their future achievements.

President Shunichi Miyanaga welcomes new employees at the ceremony.

Mr. Miyanaga began by presenting an overview of MHI. He explained how the Company traces its origins to 1870, the year when Yataro Iwasaki founded a firm called Tsukumo Shokai. Full scale company operations got underway in 1884 with the establishment of the Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works. In the 133 years since then, MHI, as a global enterprise encompassing some 250 Group companies worldwide, has been contributing to society through the development and manufacture of an extensive range of products, many of which were the first-of-their-kind in either the Japanese or global markets. Mr. Miyanaga also discussed the MRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet), Japan's first passenger jet currently under development - a project he described as a work in progress amalgamating the comprehensive strengths and capabilities of the entire MHI Group. He noted that it is a highly challenging undertaking that demands not only superior knowledge but also the courage to move forward without fear of making mistakes along the way. Mr. Miyanaga said that the MRJ has been a longstanding dream not only of the MHI Group but of Japan's aircraft industry, and he told the new recruits that MHI remains dedicated to making that dream a reality. Within this context he urged the recruits to each take up new challenges in their own way.

The President then shifted focus to explaining how the MHI Group today is pursuing new strategies and initiatives outside its conventional framework in its quest to accelerate global expansion and achieve a business scale of 5 trillion yen as early as possible. He explained how the Company is in the process of reforming its organizational structure in order to better meet the needs of the market and the customer. He informed the new employees that, starting April 1, the Company is reorganizing from four business domains into a new three-domain structure, consisting of Power Systems; Industry & Infrastructure; and Aircraft, Defense & Space. Under the new structure MHI will create new synergy by utilizing its total Group capabilities more flexibly, while providing high added value solutions of more swiftly and comprehensively. At the same time, President Miyanaga stressed that MHI is also actively pursuing collaborative ties with other companies and acquisitions of other businesses as a vital part of its growth strategy. He cited Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS), a joint venture established with Hitachi three years ago, as a prime example of this. Today MHPS is aiming to become a top global contender in the market for thermal power systems. President Miyanaga also cited two other Group companies recently established to strengthen the MHI Group's competitiveness: Primetals Technologies, a company formed in 2015 through a merger with the metals machinery division of Siemens of Germany; and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Forklift, Engine & Turbocharger Holdings, Ltd. (M-FET), a company bringing together operations in logistics machinery (namely forklift trucks), engines and turbochargers. Finally, he described how, following the celebration of MHI's 130th anniversary in 2014, the Company is currently undertaking a broad range of activities to promote more active participation by women and greater diversity in the workplace, specifically by establishing systems which enable more diversified work styles, and by promoting changes in awareness among Company employees.

The President then addressed MHI's sense of values, noting how last year MHI had unveiled a new Group statement and tagline: "Move the world forward." With these words - which are targeted at all employees within the MHI Group - each employee is encouraged to embrace a strong commitment to drive the world forward to develop a sustainable society together with the Company's global customers and communities around the world.

Next, the President introduced his new employees to MHI's corporate creed, a yardstick by which they should conduct themselves as MHI employees. The creed consists of three commitments. The first is: "We strongly believe that the customer comes first and that we are obligated to be an innovative partner to society." In this regard, he said that all MHI employees should take pride in, and gain fulfillment from, responding to customers' needs and contributing to social progress. Second: "We base our activities on honesty, harmony, and a clear distinction between public and private life." In this context, the President emphasized the Company's commitment to proactively carry out its social responsibilities by pursuing greater transparency in its business operations and adhering strictly to rules of compliance. Third: "We shall strive for innovative management and technological development from an international perspective." Here, President Miyanaga said that the MHI Group's mission is to continuously strive to maintain its managerial and technological strengths at the highest levels globally, to help Japan be a technologically driven nation.

Finally, the President described how the new employees should prepare themselves for taking up their new jobs. To begin, he encouraged them to be good members of the Company and good members of society, worthy of global respect. By embracing a strong sense of responsibility and passionate dedication toward their work and always being attentive both to the customer and to their fellow workers - traits that are supported by a good personal character - Mr. Miyanaga said their worlds would expand and grow more profound. He also exhorted them to study English with diligence so that they can communicate with people around the world. Second, Mr. Miyanaga encouraged the new recruits to each find specific areas in which they excel. He said that true professionals have a deep understanding of their work and perform their duties faithfully and with attention to detail - factors that, once they become routine, enable the ongoing acquisition of experience as their jobs become increasingly more profound, expansive and complex. In addition to acquiring specialized knowledge, the President further encouraged the new recruits to enhance their ability to work well with others, and to become trusted and respected professionals. Lastly, Mr. Miyanaga advised the new recruits to pursue healthy lives in both body and mind. By paying attention to both of these aspects of life, the President exhorted them to seek out well-balanced professional lives.

President Shunichi Miyanaga welcomes new employees at the ceremony.

Joseph Hood, PR Manager
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Email: mhi-pr@mhi.co.jp
Tel: +81-(0)3-6716-2168
Fax: +81-(0)3-6716-5860

Topic: Press release summary
Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Sectors: Daily News
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