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Wednesday, 24 June 2020, 14:20 HKT/SGT

Source: The Good Food Institute Asia-Pacific (GFI APAC)
GFI announces the 2020 'Asia Alt 100' best of the alternative protein industry
Inaugural list of the Alt 100 protein players 2020 along with 35 major Asian investors

HONG KONG, June 24, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The Good Food Institute (GFI) Asia Pacific is pleased to announce its Asia Alt 100 list of companies, collectively identified as the driving force in Asia's rapidly growing alternative protein industry. This inaugural 2020 list

GFI APAC Elaine Siu
identifies the best from five building block segments, namely raw materials and ingredients, food production, research and development, corporate partnership, to end products. The research covers major markets in Asia, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and South Korea. (See Asia Alt 100 list, below.)

Investment in alternative protein has been a major trend in the food industry worldwide in recent years. While alternative protein may still be in its infancy stage in Asia, compared to more mature markets such as the U.S. where plant-based retail sales already reached US$5 billion in value , there are unique opportunities in the growing Asia market to be captured, and both corporates and start-ups are clearly keen to compete for a share in this growing segment. Of the Asia Alt 100 for 2020, over half (57%) are corporates, 29% are start-ups, while the remaining 14% are academic institutions.

"Coming from a background of very vibrant and diversified food cultures, Asian consumers have a discerning palate and demand for a great variety when it comes to food. For alternative protein to truly become a protein solution for Asia, the industry needs to move beyond importing technologies and brands from Silicon Valley. We need homegrown players who understand and can cater to the local markets' taste," says Elaine Siu, Managing Director of GFI Asia Pacific.

"We have already seen local innovators and companies starting to emerge in the past year with huge potential to lead the future growth of this sector. With the Asia Alt 100, we have identified the ones we see as the top disruptors in the industry which have demonstrated that they are seriously committed to, and invested into, growing the alternative protein industry."

The Asia Alt 100 is presented in GFI APAC's Asia Alternative Protein Industry Map, which shows who these key players are and how they work together, alongside a list of 35 key investors in the field. Investors are another very important building block propelling the developments of alternative protein in Asia. They come from around and outside of Asia, including Singapore (10), Hong Kong (6), Japan (5), mainland China (4), South Korea (1), other southeast Asian countries (2) and outside of Asia (7). Twenty-eight out of the 35 investors identified are venture capital firms, while the remaining seven are accelerators. (See the second list below: 35 investors).

According to Siu, "While major consumer brands and retailers launching the 'next plant-based burger' have been getting the spotlights, as the industry matures, we have seen investors showing increasing interests in raw materials and ingredients suppliers and B2B companies." Both raw materials and production are integral parts of the alternative protein value chain, but the market is only just catching up on discovering the opportunities that lie in the upper stream. For example, currently Asian countries such as China and Indonesia are heavily growing plant-based protein's raw materials such as soybean and peas, while approximately 50% of the global supply of soy protein is being processed in mainland China, mainly in the Shandong and Henan regions.

Currently, about half (58%) of the raw material and ingredient suppliers in the 2020 Asia Alt 100 list are originated in Asia. If more homegrown players from Asia will enter the market to leverage the proximity to raw materials and processing capabilities, the industry as a whole can potentially bring down production costs to make alternative protein more affordable to Asian consumers and accelerate the development of the alternative protein sector in Asia.

Siu concludes: "We are currently at an exciting phase of accelerating growth in the alternative protein in Asia. It is expected that more and more Asian companies will enter the industry as the local players start to realize the competitive advantage they have in growing raw materials, processing ingredients, local distribution network, supply chain infrastructure, and of course, in creating products that are tailored to the variety of Asian palate and culture."

The team at GFI APAC is in a unique position to have their finger to the pulse of the industry. Daily the team is consulted by startups (in many cases even before they formed their founding team), corporates, investors, scientists, and policymakers, free of charge. Being privy to and trusted with invaluable information, the GFI APAC team has the inside track to identify the top players that have demonstrated that they are seriously committed to, and invested into, growing the alternative protein industry, and deserve a place in the "Asia Alt 100" list.

Details of the study are as follows:
- Regions
Included: Major markets in Asia e.g. Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea.
Excluded: India

- Businesses
Included: Raw materials and ingredients, food production, research and development, and corporate partners. In line with our goal to increase transparency and awareness of the makers in the supply chain.
Excluded: Retailers and food service providers.

- Local Presence
Included: Companies incorporated in Asia, and companies incorporated outside of Asia but have built a local presence or otherwise invested significantly in Asia.
Excluded: Companies incorporated outside of Asia and without a local presence or significant investment in Asia, notwithstanding that their products may be available in Asia via distributors.

Mapping the Industry
This year, GFI APAC presents the 2020 Asia Alt 100 alongside 35 investors on the Asia Alternative Protein Industry Map to showcase not only the who's who of this sector but how they work together. Please view the full map at the following link: http://www.gfi-apac.org/asia-alt-100/

About The Good Food Institute (GFI)
The Good Food Institute is an international non-profit building a sustainable, healthy, and just global food system. With unique insight across the scientific, regulatory, industry, and investment landscape, we are accelerating the transition of the world's food system to alternative proteins using the power of food innovation and markets. For more information, please go to: http://www.gfi-apac.org/

Media Contact
Viola Chen
Direct: +852 5426 0552
Email: violac@gfi.org

Investor Contact
Elaine Siu
Direct: +852 9872 1690
Email: elaines@gfi.org

Appendix I: 2020 Asia Alt 100 (by alphabetical order)

1. AAK https://www.aak.com/
2. ADM https://www.adm.com/
3. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) https://www.a-star.edu.sg/
4. Avant Meats http://www.avantmeats.com/
5. Avebe https://www.avebe.com/
6. Awano Food Group http://awanofood.com/
7. Axiom Foods http://axiomfoods.com/#
8. Baicaowei https://www.vipbcw.com/
9. Beijing Technology & Business University http://english.btbu.edu.cn/
10. Betagro Group http://www.betagro.com/intro
11. Beyond Meat https://www.beyondmeat.com/
12. Buhler https://www.buhlergroup.com/content/buhlergroup/global/en/homepage.html
13. Calysta http://calysta.com/
14. Cargill https://www.cargill.com/
15. Cellivate Technologies https://www.cellivate.xyz/
16. Charoen Pokphand Foods https://www.cpfworldwide.com/en/home
17. DAIZ https://www.daiz.inc/
18. Danisco (China) Investment https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/ACHDOZ:CH
19. DSM https://www.dsm.com/corporate/home.html
20. Duoning Biotech https://www.duoningbio.net/
21. DuPont https://www.dupont.com/
22. Fuji Oil https://www.fujioil.co.jp/en/index.html
23. Givaudan https://www.givaudan.com/
24. Glico Nutrition https://www.glico.com/nutrition/en/
25. Growthwell Group http://growthwellfoods.com/
26. Hey Maet http://heymaet.com/
27. Hongchang Biotech (Suzhou) http://en.hongchangfood.cn/
28. Impossible Foods https://impossiblefoods.com/
29. Ingredion https://www.ingredion.com/
30. Integriculture https://integriculture.jp/?locale=en
31. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) https://www.jst.go.jp/EN/
32. Jiangnan University http://english.jiangnan.edu.cn/
33. Jinnong http://www.jinnongbio.com/html/en/
34. Jinzi Ham https://www.reuters.com/companies/002515.SZ
35. JUST https://www.ju.st/en-us
36. Kagoshima University https://www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/en/
37. Karana https://eatkarana.com/
38. Kerry https://www.kerrygroup.com/
39. KosmodeHealth https://kosmodehealth.com/
40. Lesaffre https://www.lesaffre.com/
41. Let's Plant Meat https://www.letsplantmeat.co/
42. Life 3 Biotech https://www.life3.co/
43. Loma Linda https://atlanticnaturalfoods.com/loma-linda/
44. Marvelous Foods https://marvelousfoods.com/
45. Mitsui Co https://www.mitsui.com/jp/en/index.html
46. Monde Nissin https://www.mondenissin.com/
47. Nanjing Agricultural University http://english.njau.edu.cn/
48. Nanjing Zhouzi Future Food http://www.js.xinhuanet.com/2020-01/22/c_1125492974.htm
49. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) https://www.ntu.edu.sg/Pages/home.aspx
50. National University of Singapore (NUS) http://www.nus.edu.sg/
51. Nestle https://www.nestle.com/
52. NH Foods https://www.nipponham.co.jp/eng/
53. Ningbo Sulian Food https://tinyurl.com/yavte3nz
54. Nishimoto Co. https://www.wismettac.com/en/index.html
55. Nissin Foods https://www.nissin.com/en_jp/
56. Omni Foods https://omnipork.co/
57. Otsuka Food https://www.otsuka.com/en/rd/consumer/
58. Pepsico https://www.pepsico.com/
59. PFI Foods http://www.pfifoods.com/
60. Phuture Foods http://phuturemeat.com/
61. Phyto Corporation https://www.phytoco.com/
62. Pulmuone https://www.pulmuonefoodsusa.com/
63. Quorn https://www.quorn.co.uk/about-quorn/protein
64. Robobank https://www.rabobank.com/en/home/index.html?languageDoesNotExists=zh
65. Roquette https://www.roquette.com/
66. Shanxi Nutranovo http://www.nutranovo.com/
67. Shinshu University https://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/english/
68. Shiok Meats https://shiokmeats.com/
69. Shuangta Food http://en.shuangtafood.com/
70. SiCell https://tinyurl.com/y7wav6nj
71. Sophie's BioNutrients https://www.linkedin.com/in/eugene-wang-2957b86/
72. South China University of Technology https://www.scut.edu.cn/en/
73. SPC Samlip http://www.spc.co.kr/spc/eng/group/GF_samlip.spc
74. Starfield https://www.starfieldcn.com/
75. Sumitomo Corporation https://www.sumitomocorp.com/en/jp
76. Supersun http://supersunvegefood.lk/
77. Tereos https://tereos.com/en/#
78. TerViva https://www.terviva.com/
79. The Chinese University of Hong Kong https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/english/index.html
80. The PlantEat https://theplanteat.github.io/
81. Tianjin Norland http://www.norlandbiotech.com/
82. Tokyo Medical and Dental University http://www.tmd.ac.jp/english/
83. Tokyo Women's Medical University http://www.twmu.ac.jp/english/
84. Toriyama Chikusan Shokuhin https://umami-wagyu.com/
85. Triton Algae Innovation https://www.tritonai.com/
86. Tupac.Bio https://tupac.bio/index.html
87. Turtletree Labs https://turtletreelabs.com/
88. UCDI https://www.co2.co.jp/english/
89. University of Tokyo https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/
90. Unlimeat https://tinyurl.com/yap9cygn
91. Veego https://tinyurl.com/ycz8f6ody
92. Vegetari Healthy Bites https://www.vegetari.ph/
93. Vesta http://www.vestafoodlab.com/
94. Whole Perfect Food / Qishan http://www.qishanfoods.com/index.html
95. Wilmar International https://www.wilmar-international.com/
96. Worth The Health Foods https://www.wthfoods.ph/
97. Z-Rou http://www.z-roumeat.com/
98. Zero Meat https://zeromeat.jp/
99. Zhen Meat https://zhenmeat.com/en
100. Zikooin https://zikooin-market.com/

Appendix II: 2020 Key Investors (by region)

1. Brinc Hong Kong https://www.brinc.io/
2. Green Monday Ventures Hong Kong https://greenmonday.org/en/ventures/
3. Horizons Ventures Hong Kong https://www.horizonsventures.com/
4. Lever VC Hong Kong https://www.levervc.com/
5. Vectr Ventures Hong Kong https://vectr.co/
6. VU Venture Partners Hong Kong https://www.vuventurepartners.com/
7. Bits X Bites. Mainland China http://www.bitsxbites.com/
8. Dao Foods Mainland China https://www.daofoods.com/
9. Joy Capital Mainland China http://www.joycapital.com.cn/en
10. Matrix Partners China Mainland China https://www.matrixpartners.com/
11. Beyond Next Ventures Japan http://beyondnextventures.com/en/
12. Glocalink Japan https://en.glocalink.com/
13. Hiroshima Venture Capital Japan https://www.h-vc.co.jp/
14. RealTech Fund Japan https://www.realtech.fund/en/
15. Yakumi Investment Japan https://www.yakumi.co/
16. Big Idea Ventures Singapore https://bigideaventures.com/
17. DSG Consumer Partners Singapore https://dsgcp.com/
18. Germi8 Singapore https://www.germi8.com/
19. GROW Singapore https://www.gogrow.co/
20. Hatch Singapore https://www.hatch.blue/
21. ID Capital Singapore https://www.idcapital.com.sg/
22. Innovate 360 Singapore http://innovate360.sg/
23. Makana Ventures Singapore https://www.makanaventures.com/
24. Temasek Singapore https://www.temasek.com.sg/en/index
25. VisVires New Protein Singapore https://www.visviresnewprotein.com/
26. Mirae Asset Global Investments South Korea https://www.am.miraeasset.com/
27. Space-F Other SEA https://www.space-f.co/
28. Thai Union Other SEA https://www.thaiunion.com/en/home
29. Agfunder Out of Asia https://agfunder.com/
30. Artesian Capital Out of Asia https://www.artesianinvest.com/overview-vc
31. Blue Horizon Out of Asia https://www.bluehorizon.com/
32. New Crop Capital (NCC) Out of Asia https://www.linkedin.com/company/new-crop-capital/
33. Tyson Ventures Out of Asia https://www.tysonfoods.com/innovation/food-innovation/tyson-ventures
34. Unovis Partners Out of Asia https://www.unovis.vc/
35. VegInvest Out of Asia https://www.veginvesttrust.com/

Topic: Clinical Trial Results
Source: The Good Food Institute Asia-Pacific (GFI APAC)

Sectors: Agritech, Food & Beverage, Healthcare & Pharm, Hospitality
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