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Friday, 21 October 2011, 17:20 HKT/SGT

Source: Double A
Double A Accelerates Investment in Rural Economy with Innovative Process Monitoring System

BANGKOK, Oct 21, 2011 - (ACN Newswire) - Double A (www.DoubleAPaper.com), through an improved process monitoring system, increases its demand for Paper Trees thereby increasing the additional income of its contract farmers across Thailand.

Double A Paper-Tree, a special breed of hardwood grown between rice paddies (Khan-na) increases the income of farmers of up to THB 3,000 (USD 100), given the available Khan-na per rai (6.25 hectares) of farm land. However, Double A's new technological breakthrough called Continuous Process Monitoring System (CPMS), an intelligent system which improves manufacturing efficiency and enhances productivity, contributes to the increase in demand of fiber from sustainable Double A Paper-Tree.

In this new system, Double A Paper-Tree production is expected to increase by approximately 20,000 trees grown per year which is equivalent to approximately THB 600,000 additional income (USD 20,000) for farmers.

"It is our sustainable approach to providing additional income to the community," shared Mr. Thirawit Leetavorn when asked about his thoughts on Double A's latest innovation.

"By an improved monitoring process means machine stoppage will be prevented, continuous production is achieved. It could lead to an increase in productivity and raw material requirements. As a positive consequence, more trees needs to be planted in our Paper from KHAN-NA program, more carbon will be absorbed and more additional income will be generated for the rural community," added Mr. Leetavorn.

Double A's Paper from KHAN-NA, is Double A's revolutionary Asian solution to fiber sourcing and Double A's sustainable approach to sustain the world's demand for quality paper. Double A Paper from KHAN-NA has just recently been awarded the Asian CSR Award 2011 for Poverty Alleviation making it one of the best projects in the Asian region.

Continuous Process Monitoring System (CPMS)

Improving manufacturing efficiency and enhancing environment management get along well with increasing rural wealth; this is true for Double A's latest technological breakthrough, CPMS.

"CPMS" is an improved version of the traditional production process monitoring system which uses multiple sensor monitoring devices and analogue cameras. The new system involves the use of high digital camera with an improved image processing system strategically placed at every point of the production line. The innovative version will continuously, automatically and accurately capture all machine status at any point in time. With such, monitoring of any sign of machine stoppage is getting better with Double A.

Furthermore, CPMS installment cost is cheaper compared to the traditional monitoring system which is imported overseas.

"Every time a problem occurs either during the manufacturing process or even when faulty products are sent to consumers, we consider it as a loss of raw materials and waste of energy resources. Our latest innovation will resolve this issues, with an enhanced monitoring, defect occurrence will be less," said Mr. Thirawit Leetavorn, Double A senior executive vice president.

CPMS also lead to process optimization which brings about several advantages to the environment, economy and national industry:

- Reduce machine downtime by more than 3% resulting to at least 500 ton increase paper productivity per year. Installment cost is reduced since less material is required.

- Faster tracking of machine status and accurately analyzing all the reasons for the machine stoppage with faster problem rectification versus the old system.

- Enhances raw materials management by reducing consumption of chemicals by up to 20 tons per year, steam use by up to 1,000 ton per year and electricity by up to 400 kW per year

- Improved production quality which decreases customer claim rate on defected products

- Increased production of Double A paper which also increases approximately 20,000 Double A Paper - Tree grown per year. More Double A Paper-Tree will be planted on KHAN-NA (vacant space between farmer's paddies) which absorbs additional 1,200 tons CO2 (eq.) per year.

Double A's CPMS is partially funded by the National Innovation Agency (NIA), a public organization in Thailand through its Technological Capitalization Scheme. The financial support from the agency will be used to further develop this technological innovation which is useful for the paper and manufacturing industry in general.

A signing ceremony between the two parties was held in October 3 to formally announce NIA's funding of the project.

Aschara Korsatianwong
International PR Manager
Email: aschara_k@doublea1991.com

Topic: Research and development
Source: Double A

Sectors: Design Process, Daily Finance
From the Asia Corporate News Network

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