香港, 2017年8月11日 - (亚太商讯) - 五龙电动车(集团)有限公司正式向公众介绍其美国合营公司Chanje,其为一间将规模化电动及能源解决方案引入“最后一哩”运输市场的新公司,并配备了一只经验丰富的管理团队,成员曾分别就职于特斯拉、戴姆勒、大众汽车、施耐德电气等其他大型相关机构。 今年秋季,Chanje将在美国首次大批量推出一款电动商务车。这款车是该类车型中唯一一款从零开始按照电动车产品特点而全新设计的车型。该车型已在美国通过认证并合资格列入美国补贴目录,这表明公司的产品得到了权威认可。 Chanje作为五龙集团之美国合营公司,这一阶段性成果也标志着中国电动车行业进入了一个新的里程碑。目前,该电动商务车已有大量市场需求,可望获得大量订单。在售后服务方面,Chanje与美国五百强企业Ryder携手达成战略合作,其将提供优质的售后及维修服务。于中长期,Chanje将根据发展需要在美国建设SKD工厂,实现本地化生产。
有关详情被美国主流媒体如CNBC, 洛杉矶时报,CNET,The Drive等广泛报导。部分转载内容如下:
Electric truck to debut this year amid boom in EV investments Chanje is making an all-electric truck to compete against medium duty, short-haul commercial vehicles. Deliveries are expected this year. The vehicle is expected to get the equivalent of 50 miles per gallon when fully charged. It says the initial Chanje electric vehicle will be built in China, but assembly will transition to the U.S. Reported by CNBC
转载自CNBC:电动商务车今年首次亮相于电动汽车投资热潮中 Chanje正打造全电动商务车与中型短途商务汽车竞争。全电动商务车预期可于本年交付,其在完全充电后等同于每加仑可行走50英里。 Chanje最初的电动汽车将于中国生产,但未来组装会转至美国。
链接: http://tinyurl.com/yaqnhcx7
Chanje's electric delivery truck flattens noise and pollution Urban dwellers may be used to noisy delivery trucks spewing soot from tailpipes, but Chanje offers an antidote: its V8070 electric delivery van.
At 26 and a half feet long, with a payload capacity of 6,000 pounds, the electric Chanje van is designed to handle urban deliveries.
CEO Bryan Hansel expresses a progressive desire to "remove noise and tail pipe emissions from delivery trucks in cities", a sentiment that any urban resident should appreciate. He expects Chanje's electric van to be a last mile solution, delivering everything from "potato chips to packages" in cities. Medium duty trucks, such as the model being marketed by Chanje, commonly work out of distribution centers in urban areas, picking up goods for individual delivery that may have come across the country on tractor-trailer rigs. Reported by CNET
转载自CNET:Chanje 电动物流车解决噪音和污染问题 都市居民们大概都已习惯嘈杂的物流车尾气管喷出黑烟的情形了,但是Chanje为这个问题提供了一剂解药:V8070型电动物流车。
首席执行官Bryan Hansel提出了一个革新的愿望“在城市里消除物流车的噪音和尾气排放.”,这是一个任何都市居民都会赞赏的想法。他期望Chanje的电动物流车能够提供“最后一哩” 能源解决方案,能够在都市里运输从“薯片到包裹” 等各种货品。中型物流车,例如Chanje所宣传的这款车型,常常穿梭于市区配送中心,提取可能会被分别派送至全国各地的货物。
链接: http://tinyurl.com/y8r4q28k
来自:五龙集团 时间:2017-08-10
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