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 Multimedia Press Releases
Hong Kong International Licensing Show Ends on High Note
Hong Kong International Licensing Show Ends on High Note
January 14 2016, 17:00 HKT
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ホンダ、2016年北米国際自動車ショーで「Acura Precision Concept」とAcura新型「NSX」の価格を発表
ホンダ、2016年北米国際自動車ショーで「Acura Precision Concept」とAcura新型「NSX」の価格を発表
January 13 2016, 10:10 HKT
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Richer Line-up of Community Outreach Programmes to Promote Appreciation of Cultural Heritage at the Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebrations 2016
Richer Line-up of Community Outreach Programmes to Promote Appreciation of Cultural Heritage at the Chinatown Chinese New Year Celebrations 2016
January 12 2016, 21:00 HKT
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ホンダ、「Civic セダン」が「North American Car of the Year」を受賞
ホンダ、「Civic セダン」が「North American Car of the Year」を受賞
January 12 2016, 11:45 HKT
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The TOMODACHI Initiative and Honda Conduct "2016 TOMODACHI Honda Cultural Exchange Program"
The TOMODACHI Initiative and Honda Conduct
January 12 2016, 10:46 HKT
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Proton OnSite M Series PEMメガワット電解槽により、障害や効率損失の無い500,000時間以上の電池作動時間を達成
Proton OnSite M Series PEMメガワット電解槽により、障害や効率損失の無い500,000時間以上の電池作動時間を達成
January 12 2016, 11:20 HKT
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雅仕维获授著名会德丰大厦广告牌的独家经营权 并已获LVMH集团租用该媒体资源
雅仕维获授著名会德丰大厦广告牌的独家经营权 并已获LVMH集团租用该媒体资源
January 12 2016, 09:18 HKT
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雅仕維獲授著名會德豐大廈廣告牌的獨家經營權 並已獲LVMH集團租用該媒體資源
雅仕維獲授著名會德豐大廈廣告牌的獨家經營權 並已獲LVMH集團租用該媒體資源
January 12 2016, 09:17 HKT
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Asiaray Secures the Exclusive Operating Rights of Pre-eminent Wheelock House Billboard and Media Booking by LVMH Group
Asiaray Secures the Exclusive Operating Rights of Pre-eminent Wheelock House Billboard and Media Booking by LVMH Group
January 12 2016, 09:16 HKT
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Largest Licensing Show and Conference Open in Hong Kong
Largest Licensing Show and Conference Open in Hong Kong
January 11 2016, 20:00 HKT
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滴滴快的2015年完成订单14.3亿 中国移动出行市场全球最大
滴滴快的2015年完成订单14.3亿 中国移动出行市场全球最大
January 11 2016, 19:52 HKT
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滴滴快的2015年完成訂單14.3億 中國移動出行市場全球最大
滴滴快的2015年完成訂單14.3億 中國移動出行市場全球最大
January 11 2016, 19:50 HKT
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Didi Kuaidi Completed 1.43 Billion Rides in 2015; China becomes the World's No.1 Rideshare Market
Didi Kuaidi Completed 1.43 Billion Rides in 2015; China becomes the World's No.1 Rideshare Market
January 11 2016, 19:43 HKT
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Hong Kong Toys & Games, Baby Products and Stationery Fairs Open
Hong Kong Toys & Games, Baby Products and Stationery Fairs Open
January 11 2016, 19:30 HKT
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共建国际陆港医院 环球医疗与西安交大一附院携手开创PPP合作模式
共建国际陆港医院 环球医疗与西安交大一附院携手开创PPP合作模式
January 10 2016, 18:37 HKT
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共建國際陸港醫院 環球醫療與西安交大一附院攜手開創PPP合作模式
共建國際陸港醫院 環球醫療與西安交大一附院攜手開創PPP合作模式
January 10 2016, 18:35 HKT
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Jointly Establishing the International Land Port Hospital; Universal Medical and First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University to Initiate the Public-Private-Partnership Model
Jointly Establishing the International Land Port Hospital; Universal Medical and First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University to Initiate the Public-Private-Partnership Model
January 10 2016, 18:33 HKT
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BroadGroup: Change Ahead for South East Asia Data Centers as Markets Shift Gear
BroadGroup: Change Ahead for South East Asia Data Centers as Markets Shift Gear
January 8 2016, 10:00 HKT
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UK Recognises Outstanding Taiwanese Philanthropic Contribution to Research and Education: Dr Winston Wen-Young WONG OBE
UK Recognises Outstanding Taiwanese Philanthropic Contribution to Research and Education: Dr Winston Wen-Young WONG OBE
January 8 2016, 11:00 HKT
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Asian Financial Forum to Open This Month
Asian Financial Forum to Open This Month
January 7 2016, 17:00 HKT
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1,500+ Exhibitors to join Hong Kong Fashion Week This Month
1,500+ Exhibitors to join Hong Kong Fashion Week This Month
January 7 2016, 14:30 HKT
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SEA-ME-WE 5 cable system lands in Malaysia
SEA-ME-WE 5 cable system lands in Malaysia
January 7 2016, 13:58 HKT
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UNIQLO Continues to Develop New LifeWear Together with Global Brand Ambassador Kei Nishikori
UNIQLO Continues to Develop New LifeWear Together with Global Brand Ambassador Kei Nishikori
January 8 2016, 10:00 HKT
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アルカディンの新CEOにDidier Jaubertが就任
アルカディンの新CEOにDidier Jaubertが就任
January 6 2016, 12:10 HKT
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Largest Licensing Show and Conference Open Next Week in Hong Kong
Largest Licensing Show and Conference Open Next Week in Hong Kong
January 5 2016, 19:00 HKT
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三菱日立パワーシステムズ、2016年 西澤社長 年頭挨拶(要旨)
三菱日立パワーシステムズ、2016年 西澤社長 年頭挨拶(要旨)
January 5 2016, 12:10 HKT
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2016 New Year Message from President Takato Nishizawa
2016 New Year Message from President Takato Nishizawa
January 5 2016, 12:09 HKT
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ANA、2015年度 年末年始期間 ご利用実績
ANA、2015年度 年末年始期間 ご利用実績
January 4 2016, 15:20 HKT
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華夏航空がBombardier CRJ900ジェット旅客機をさらに10機発注
華夏航空がBombardier CRJ900ジェット旅客機をさらに10機発注
January 4 2016, 12:00 HKT
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January 4 2016, 11:50 HKT
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