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 Multimedia Press Releases
天彩获颁2015「香港工商业奖 - 升级转型奖」
天彩获颁2015「香港工商业奖 - 升级转型奖」
December 15 2015, 17:02 HKT
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天彩獲頒2015「香港工商業獎 - 升級轉型獎」
天彩獲頒2015「香港工商業獎 - 升級轉型獎」
December 15 2015, 17:01 HKT
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Sky Light Garners "Upgrading and Transformation Award" of 2015 "Hong Kong Awards for Industries"
Sky Light Garners
December 15 2015, 16:59 HKT
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With the acquisition of Banque SYZ Suisse SA, Banque SYZ SA joins the top 20 of Swiss private banks
With the acquisition of Banque SYZ Suisse SA, Banque SYZ SA joins the top 20 of Swiss private banks
December 15 2015, 14:00 HKT
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Mitsubishi Corporation Announces New Elevator Plant for Korea
Mitsubishi Corporation Announces New Elevator Plant for Korea
December 15 2015, 13:31 HKT
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Distributor for Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Automobiles Established in Myanmar
Distributor for Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Automobiles Established in Myanmar
December 15 2015, 12:31 HKT
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Fujitsu Launches New VPS that Simplifies Design Changes and Assembly Configuration Development
Fujitsu Launches New VPS that Simplifies Design Changes and Assembly Configuration Development
December 15 2015, 10:39 HKT
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中国监管机构支持滴滴带头成立产业协会 推动共享经济
中国监管机构支持滴滴带头成立产业协会 推动共享经济
December 15 2015, 11:29 HKT
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中國監管機構支持滴滴帶頭成立產業協會 推動共享經濟
中國監管機構支持滴滴帶頭成立產業協會 推動共享經濟
December 15 2015, 11:28 HKT
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Chinese Regulators Welcome New Industry Association Led by Didi Kuaidi in Support of Sharing Economy
Chinese Regulators Welcome New Industry Association Led by Didi Kuaidi in Support of Sharing Economy
December 15 2015, 11:27 HKT
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JLL and Telstra expand partnership beyond Australia to cover further eight markets in Asia Pacific
JLL and Telstra expand partnership beyond Australia to cover further eight markets in Asia Pacific
December 15 2015, 12:00 HKT
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December 15 2015, 11:10 HKT
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マツダ、東京オートサロン2016にコンセプトカー「マツダ RX-VISION」などを出展
マツダ、東京オートサロン2016にコンセプトカー「マツダ RX-VISION」などを出展
December 14 2015, 12:00 HKT
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December 11 2015, 19:51 HKT
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December 11 2015, 19:50 HKT
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加拿大最具规模的社区开发商 --协平世博集团将于温哥华市中心的地标性中央社区开启「温哥华都会生活主义」新一篇
加拿大最具规模的社区开发商 --协平世博集团将于温哥华市中心的地标性中央社区开启「温哥华都会生活主义」新一篇
December 11 2015, 19:08 HKT
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加拿大最具規模的社區開發商 --協平世博集團將於溫哥華市中心的地標性中央社區開啟「溫哥華都會生活主義」新一篇
加拿大最具規模的社區開發商 --協平世博集團將於溫哥華市中心的地標性中央社區開啟「溫哥華都會生活主義」新一篇
December 11 2015, 19:05 HKT
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Canada's Largest Community Developer & Builder of Vancouver's Skyline, Concord Pacific, Announces Revolutionary Plans for Vancouver's Gateway Neighbourhood
Canada's Largest Community Developer & Builder of Vancouver's Skyline, Concord Pacific, Announces Revolutionary Plans for Vancouver's Gateway Neighbourhood
December 11 2015, 19:04 HKT
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December 11 2015, 12:35 HKT
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December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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昭和電工、新中期経営計画「Project 2020+」の概要
昭和電工、新中期経営計画「Project 2020+」の概要
December 11 2015, 13:55 HKT
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North West Shelf Project: Final Investment Decision Reached on Greater Western Flank Phase 2 Project
North West Shelf Project: Final Investment Decision Reached on Greater Western Flank Phase 2 Project
December 11 2015, 12:31 HKT
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그런포스, 유엔 기후변화 이니셔티브 어워드 수상
그런포스, 유엔 기후변화 이니셔티브 어워드 수상
December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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การมอบรางวัลด้านสภาวะอากาศของ UN แก่กรุนด์ฟอส
การมอบรางวัลด้านสภาวะอากาศของ UN แก่กรุนด์ฟอส
December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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Giải thưởng khí hậu của LHQ được trao cho Grundfos
Giải thưởng khí hậu của LHQ được trao cho Grundfos
December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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Penghargaan iklim PBB jatuh ke Grundfos
Penghargaan iklim PBB jatuh ke Grundfos
December 11 2015, 11:00 HKT
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特变集团携手新鸿基公司战略投资中民国际 中民投国际化布局进一步推进
特变集团携手新鸿基公司战略投资中民国际 中民投国际化布局进一步推进
December 10 2015, 20:46 HKT
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特變集團攜手新鴻基公司戰略投資中民國際 中民投國際化佈局進一步推進
特變集團攜手新鴻基公司戰略投資中民國際 中民投國際化佈局進一步推進
December 10 2015, 20:44 HKT
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