Multimedia Press Releases |
Vincent HS Lo Takes Up HKTDC Chairmanship |
June 1 2015, 18:20 HKT
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Yoshiaki Kinoshita Handed Le Mans Honour |
June 1 2015, 16:17 HKT
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トヨタ、アルファード・ヴェルファイア専用のT-Connectナビ10インチモデルを発売 |
June 1 2015, 15:15 HKT
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Challenging Le Mans Test for Toyota GAZOO Racing |
June 1 2015, 11:41 HKT
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Survei Vuclip Menyimpulkan Mayoritas Konsumen Video Seluler Global Lebih Menyukai Konten yang Diregionalkan |
June 1 2015, 11:30 HKT
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シャープ、プラズマクラスター洗濯乾燥機「ES-GX950/GX850」を発売 |
June 1 2015, 12:10 HKT
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Lift-Off For HKTDC's Largest Entrepreneur Day |
May 29 2015, 18:20 HKT
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Fujitsu Laboratories Develops Virtualization Technology that Brings Security and Operability to Web Applications |
May 29 2015, 12:09 HKT
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Toyota Lobby Concert Raises Funds for Japan's Tohoku Region; Gives Back to Local Community |
May 29 2015, 13:38 HKT
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Thoresen Thai Agencies (SET:TTA) Hires Financial Pundit as Group CFO to Assert Global Ambitions, Appoints Head of Shipping & Logistics Business |
May 28 2015, 17:00 HKT
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ホンダ、「フリード」シリーズに特別仕様車「プレミアムエディション」を設定し発売 |
May 28 2015, 13:50 HKT
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OKI、空中音響技術を利用した「ドローン探知システム」を販売開始 |
May 28 2015, 11:15 HKT
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DFS Memperkenalkan Toko Wine dan Spirit Unggulan Baru di Bandara Changi |
May 28 2015, 08:00 HKT
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SmartHK Promotion Opens In Jinan |
May 27 2015, 18:30 HKT
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ANA、今年で60回目「しあわせの花 すずらん」を全国の患者の皆様へ |
May 27 2015, 15:45 HKT
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マツダ、東日本大震災被災児童自立支援プロジェクトSupport Our Kids「第5回海外ホームステイプログラム」を支援 |
May 27 2015, 12:40 HKT
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OKI、小型低価格のメタルマスク版専用自動洗浄装置を新発売 |
May 27 2015, 11:05 HKT
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A Decade of Making Roads Safer at Toyota's Fuji Speedway Safety Education Center |
May 26 2015, 13:58 HKT
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トヨタ、トヨタ交通安全センター モビリタ設立10周年 |
May 26 2015, 14:00 HKT
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三菱商事、長崎市の「長崎田手原メガソーラー発電所」が運転開始 |
May 26 2015, 10:15 HKT
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在INVEST Fair Malaysia 2015上,ShareInvestor激发投资成功之路 |
May 26 2015, 11:13 HKT
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ShareInvestor Inspires Winning Ways to Invest at INVEST Fair Malaysia 2015 |
May 26 2015, 11:00 HKT
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Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public to launch BCEL-JCB Credit Card in Laos |
May 26 2015, 10:00 HKT
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富士通、「ARROWS NX F-04G」新発売 |
May 25 2015, 15:30 HKT
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マツダ、「CX-5」が世界累計生産100万台を達成 |
May 25 2015, 15:10 HKT
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Bunker Roy, Acclaimed Founder of Barefoot College, to Address the 14th Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangkok |
May 25 2015, 15:00 HKT
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Mazda CX-5 Global Production Reaches One Million Units |
May 25 2015, 11:57 HKT
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Nano-capsules Designed for Diagnosing Malignant Tumours |
May 25 2015, 13:00 HKT
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