Multimedia Press Releases |
俄罗斯石油零售商EKA推出来自金雅拓的非接触式EMV卡 |
May 22 2015, 06:00 HKT
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領航推出首隻在香港聯合交易所上市的標準普爾500指數ETF |
May 21 2015, 19:05 HKT
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Vanguard Launches the First S&P 500 Exchange-traded Fund Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange |
May 21 2015, 18:58 HKT
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HKTDC Set To Stage Largest Ever Entrepreneur Day |
May 21 2015, 17:50 HKT
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Eight Generations in, the Toyota Hilux is Redefining "Tough" |
May 21 2015, 13:30 HKT
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三菱重工など4社、ガスエンジンの廃温水を蒸気として高効率に回収するガスエンジンコージェネレーションシステムを開発 |
May 21 2015, 15:20 HKT
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ホンダ、「JADE(ジェイド)」にガソリン車「JADE RS(ジェイド アールエス)」を追加し発売 |
May 21 2015, 13:50 HKT
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Hitachi Received Order of 2 Energy Storage for Traction Power Supply System (B-CHOP system) |
May 21 2015, 11:35 HKT
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Honda Begins Sales of All-new Gasoline-powered "JADE RS", New Addition to the JADE Lineup |
May 21 2015, 13:48 HKT
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Development of a Gas Engine Cogeneration System with High-efficiency Steam Recovery from Hot Wastewater |
May 21 2015, 10:25 HKT
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トヨタ、ピックアップトラックのハイラックスをフルモデルチェンジし発売 |
May 21 2015, 13:40 HKT
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젬알토, 러시아 석유 소매사 EKA에 비접촉 EMV 카드 공급 |
May 21 2015, 13:00 HKT
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ロシアのガソリン小売業者EKA、ジェムアルトの非接触EMV カードを導入 |
May 21 2015, 13:00 HKT
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Russian petrol retailer EKA launches contactless EMV cards from Gemalto |
May 21 2015, 13:00 HKT
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OKI、セイコーインスツルと大判プリンタ事業譲渡に関する覚書を締結 |
May 21 2015, 11:05 HKT
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ソニー、「磁性流体スピーカーを搭載した4K液晶テレビの意匠」が平成27年度 全国発明表彰「経済産業大臣発明賞」を受賞 |
May 21 2015, 10:35 HKT
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Hong Kong International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair Ends |
May 20 2015, 20:00 HKT
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Singaporean Ministry of Defence Officiates at IMSC and INEC@IMDEX Asia 2015 |
May 20 2015, 18:00 HKT
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All-new Mazda Roadster Goes on Sale in Japan |
May 20 2015, 14:14 HKT
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日立アプライアンス、「ナイアガラすすぎ」搭載のタテ型洗濯乾燥機「ビートウォッシュ」を発売 |
May 20 2015, 14:10 HKT
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シャープ、立命館大学大阪いばらきキャンパスに“BIG PAD”などのディスプレイを大量納入 |
May 20 2015, 10:15 HKT
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Singaporean Defence Minister Officiates at Opening Ceremony of 10th IMDEX Asia |
May 19 2015, 21:00 HKT
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日本評論社、『パブリックリレーションズ』[第2版]を刊行 |
May 20 2015, 10:00 HKT
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Hitachi Automotive Systems Delivers 5,000W/kg High Output Power Density Prismatic Lithium-ion Battery Cells for 2016 New Model GM Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid |
May 19 2015, 16:00 HKT
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