Wednesday, March 18, 2020 |
Kinerja CSR Azelis telah mendapatkan pengakuan dengan pemberian rating EcoVadis Gold untuk yang kedua kalinya secara berturut-turut |
Azelis, distributor utama bahan kimia khusus dan bahan makanan, dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa kinerja tanggung jawab sosial korporasinya (CSR, corporate social responsibility) telah dianugerahi pemberian rating EcoVadis Gold untuk yang kedua kalinya secara berturut-turut. more info >> |
아젤리스의 CSR성과를 Ecovadis Gold 등급으로 두 번 연속으로 인정받았습니다 |
특수화학물질 및 식품 성분의 주요 유통 업체인 아젤리스는 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR) 성과가 EcoVadis Gold 등급으로 두 번째로 연속 수상했다고 발표하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. EcoVadis 는 글로벌 공급망을 위한 세계에서 가장 신뢰할 수 있는 비즈니스 지속 가능성 등급, 인텔리전스 및 협업 성능 개선 도구 제공 업체입니다. more info >> |
阿澤雷斯以CSR優異表現連續第二次榮獲EcoVadis金牌認證 |
領先的特種化學品和食品添加劑經銷商阿澤雷斯宣布喜訊:其憑藉企業社會責任(CSR)優異表現連續第二次榮獲EcoVadis金牌認證。 EcoVadis提供企業可持續性評級服務、情報和全球供應鏈協作績效改善工具,在全世界備受信賴。 more info >> |
阿泽雷斯以CSR优异表现连续第二次荣获EcoVadis金牌认证 |
领先的特种化学品和食品添加剂经销商阿泽雷斯宣布喜讯:其凭借企业社会责任(CSR)优异表现连续第二次荣获EcoVadis金牌认证。 more info >> |
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 |
Azelis presents new regional video for Asia Pacific, reinforcing its whole-hearted commitment to innovation through formulation |
After globally launching the new Azelis tagline 'Innovation through formulation' and corporate video in July 2019, Azelis Asia Pacific now unveils its own video, which describes the forces behind the strong growth Azelis has experienced in the region over recent years. The newly released video is also a reinforcement of the company's continuous investment in formulation and application expertise. more info >> |
Azelis mempresentasikan video regionalnya yang baru untuk Asia Pasifik, yang memperkokoh komitmennya secara sepenuh hati terhadap inovasi melalui formulasi |
Setelah meluncurkan secara global tagline Azelis yang baru ‘Innovasi melalui formulasi’ dan video korporasi dalam bulan Juli 2019, Azelis Asia Pacific kini memperkenalkan videonya sendiri yang baru, yang menggambarkan kekuatan-kekuatan di balik pertumbuhan kuat yang telah dialami oleh Azelis dalam wilayah selama beberapa tahun terakhir. more info >> |
アゼリス社は、アジアパシフィックリージョンの新しいビデオをリリースしました |
アゼリス社は、2019年7月にリリースした"Innovation through formulation"のコーポレートビデオに続き、アジアパシフィックリージョンの新しいビデオをリリースしました。 more info >> |
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 |
阿泽雷斯推出亚太区宣传片,展现公司“配方成就创新”的决心 |
2019年7月,阿泽雷斯在全球推出了全新的标语“配方成就创新”和公司宣传片。现在,阿泽雷斯再次推出亚太区宣传片,介绍了亚太地区近年来实现强劲增长的推动因素。新宣传片也凸显了公司在配方和应用技术方面的持续性投资。 more info >> |
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 |
Azelis presents new regional video for Asia Pacific, reinforcing its whole-hearted commitment to innovation through formulation |
After globally launching the new Azelis tagline 'Innovation through formulation' and corporate video in July 2019, Azelis Asia Pacific now unveils its own video, which describes the forces behind the strong growth Azelis has experienced in the region over recent years. The newly released video is also a reinforcement of the company's continuous investment in formulation and application expertise. more info >> |
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 |
Azelis appoints Group Technical Innovation Director |
It is with great pleasure that Azelis announces the appointment of Ron Rosenberg as its Group Technical Innovation Director, effective September 1, 2019. This appointment reinforces Azelis' focus on application and formulation support, and the company's ambition to become the benchmark in the industry as a fully integrated and innovative solutions provider. more info >> |