Wednesday, June 20, 2018 |
香港特别行政区行政长官鼓励法国企业把握粤港澳大湾区商机 |
香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥今日(六月二十日)出席由香港、广东省及澳门三地政府于巴黎联合举办的研讨会,鼓励法国企业把握粤港澳大湾区(大湾区)的机遇。 more info >> |
HKSAR Chief Executive encourages French companies to leverage opportunities in the Guangdong-HK-Macao Bay Area |
The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mrs Carrie Lam, called on French businesses to take on the unique business opportunities arising from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (the Bay Area) at a seminar jointly organised by Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao governments in Paris today (June 20). more info >> |
Sunday, May 13, 2018 |
DGIP visits Israel and Nordic countries to promote Hong Kong's business advantages |
The Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Stephen Phillips, today (May 13) embarked on a visit to Israel and northern Europe to promote the latest business advantages Hong Kong has to offer. more info >> |
Hong Kong investment promotion chief visits Israel and Nordic countries to promote Hong Kong's business advantages |
Head of Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Mr Stephen Phillips, today (May 13) embarked on a visit to Israel and northern Europe to promote the latest business advantages Hong Kong has to offer. more info >> |
投資推廣署署長訪問以色列和北歐宣傳香港營商優勢 |
投資推廣署署長傅仲森今日(五月十三日)展開在以色列和北歐的訪問,向當地企業宣傳香港最新的營商優勢。 more info >> |
香港投資推廣署署長訪問以色列和北歐宣傳香港營商優勢 |
香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署署長傅仲森今日(五月十三日)展開在以色列和北歐的訪問,向當地企業宣傳香港最新的營商優勢。 more info >> |
香港投资推广署署长访问以色列和北欧宣传香港营商优势 |
香港特别行政区政府投资推广署署长傅仲森今日(五月十三日)展开在以色列和北欧的访问,向当地企业宣传香港最新的营商优势。 more info >> |
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 |
HKSAR Investment Promotion Chief on Charm Offensive in Middle East this Week |
Mr Stephen Phillips, HKSAR Director-General of Investment Promotion, has embarked on a five-day tour of the Middle East, aimed at engaging the region's business and entrepreneurial communities, and advising of the latest business advantages Hong Kong has to offer. more info >> |
Sunday, April 22, 2018 |
香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署署長訪問中東宣傳香港獨特營商優勢 |
香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署署長傅仲森今日(四月二十二日)在中東展開為期五天的訪問,向區內商界代表及企業家介紹香港最新的營商優勢。 more info >> |
投資推廣署署長訪問中東宣傳香港獨特營商優勢 |
投資推廣署署長傅仲森今日(四月二十二日)在中東展開為期五天的訪問,向區內商界代表及企業家介紹香港最新的營商優勢。 more info >> |