Thursday, January 25, 2018 |
BDO表揚環境、社會及管治(ESG)報告表現突出之企業 確見ESG成為業務重要考慮因素 |
香港 – 全球第5大會計網絡之一 BDO今天舉辦首屆BDO 環境、社會及管治大獎(「大獎」)的頒獎典禮,以表揚於環境、社會及管治(ESG)範疇上表現突出並有正面影響力的香港上市公司。大會希望透過獎項鼓勵企業必須關注社會責任,並將可持續發展納入其業務模式。 more info >> |
BDO Awards to Honor Outstanding Performers in ESG Reporting |
BDO Limited is holding the awards presentation ceremony of the inaugural BDO ESG Awards ("the Awards") today to recognise outstanding Hong Kong-listed companies which have made a positive impact in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). more info >> |
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 |
BDO調查:受訪者認同發表環境、社會及管治報告帶來的好處,惟54%表示不會增加來年報告預算 |
全球五大會計網絡之一BDO Limited (「BDO」;「集團」)繼2017年7月進行《環境、社會及管治報告》表現調查後,於今天公佈其「香港上市公司《環境、社會及管治報告》彙編審查」(「調查」)的調查結果。 more info >> |
BDO Survey: Despite perceived benefits from issuing ESG report, 54% of respondents will not increase budget for ESG report in the coming year |
BDO Limited ("BDO", "The Group"), the world's fifth largest accountancy network, has announced today the survey findings of its "Review on ESG Report Compilation by Hong Kong-Listed Companies" (the "Survey") following its "ESG Reporting Performance Survey" announced in July 2017. more info >> |
Monday, July 31, 2017 |
BDO调查:超过六成于2016财年首次编制环境、社会及管治报告之香港上市公司披露水平超越最低要求 |
全球第五大会计网络BDO香港成员所(「BDO」)最新公布之研究数据显示,在修订版《环境、社会及管治报告指引》实施后第一年,大部份香港上市公司编制的环境、社会及管治报告均超越相关披露之最低要求。 more info >> |
BDO調查:超過六成於2016財年首次編制環境、社會及管治報告之香港上市公司披露水平超越最低要求 |
全球第五大會計網絡BDO香港成員所(「BDO」)最新公布之研究數據顯示,在修訂版《環境、社會及管治報告指引》實施後第一年,大部份香港上市公司編制的環境、社會及管治報告均超越相關披露之最低要求。 more info >> |
BDO Survey: 60%+ HK-listed companies filing first ESG reports exceeded minimum disclosure requirements for FY2016 |
A majority of Hong Kong-listed companies went beyond meeting the minimum environmental, social and governance ("ESG") disclosure requirements in their first ESG report after the new ESG reporting regulations were introduced. more info >> |