Friday, October 13, 2023 |
BDO公布「2023年第五届BDO 环境、社会及管治大奖」得奖名单 |
全球第五大会计及咨询网络BDO公布第五届BDO环境、社会及管治大奖(「大奖」)得奖名单,获奖企业均透过推行有效的可持续发展措施,在ESG各个领域实现积极影响。 more info >> |
BDO announces winners of the 5th BDO ESG Awards 2023 |
BDO, the world's fifth largest accountancy and advisory network, announced the winners of the 5th BDO ESG Awards (the Awards), comprising listed companies in Hong Kong that have made a positive impact in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) domains through the implementation of outstanding sustainability initiatives. more info >> |
Monday, September 25, 2023 |
BDO环境、社会及管治大奖:以「碳中和」为今届大奖成立五周年之主题,上市公司提名反应热烈 |
全球第五大会计及咨询网络BDO自2018年起举办BDO环境、社会及管治大奖,鼓励企业将可持续发展纳入业务模式,藉以承担社会责任,是可持续发展的倡导者。 more info >> |
BDO環境、社會及管治大獎:以「碳中和」為今屆大獎成立五週年之主題,上市公司提名反應熱烈 |
全球第五大會計及諮詢網絡BDO自2018年起舉辦BDO環境、社會及管治大獎,鼓勵企業將可持續發展納入業務模式,藉以承擔社會責任,是可持續發展的倡導者。 more info >> |
BDO ESG Awards: 5th anniversary of ESG Awards kicks off with Carbon Neutrality theme - attracting overwhelming nominations |
BDO, the world's fifth largest accountancy and advisory network, inaugurated the BDO ESG Awards back in 2018, becoming a pioneer in advocating companies' acceptance of their social responsibilities through the integration of sustainable practices into their business models. more info >> |
Thursday, May 19, 2022 |
BDO公布2022年BDO环境、社会及管治大奖得奖名单 |
全球第五大会计网络 ─ BDO今天公布第四届BDO环境、社会及管治大奖(「大奖」)的得奖名单。此大奖备受上市公司的广泛支持,本年度各奖项的得奖企业是从约90个提名中选出,均展现卓越的环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告及披露。 more info >> |
BDO公佈2022年BDO環境、社會及管治大獎得獎名單 |
全球第五大會計網絡 ─ BDO今天公佈第四屆BDO環境、社會及管治大獎(「大獎」)的得獎名單。此大獎備受上市公司的廣泛支持,本年度各獎項的得獎企業是從約90個提名中選出,均展現卓越的環境、社會及管治(ESG)報告及披露。 more info >> |
BDO announces winners of the BDO ESG Awards 2022 |
BDO, the world's fifth largest accountancy network, today announced and honoured the winners of the fourth BDO ESG Awards (the "Awards"). This competition is widely supported by listed enterprises and this year's winners were selected from a pool of 90 nominations more info >> |
Thursday, January 6, 2022 |
第四届 BDO ESG 年度大奖现正接受报名1月16日截止 |
由全球五大会计网络之一的香港立信德豪会计师事务所有限公司(「立信德豪」或 「BDO」)举办的第四届BDO ESG 年度大奖 (「大奖」)现正接受报名。 more info >> |
第四屆 BDO ESG 年度大獎現正接受報名1月16日截止 |
由全球五大會計網路之一的香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公司(「立信德豪」或 「BDO」)舉辦的第四屆BDO ESG 年度大獎 (「大獎」)現正接受報名。 more info >> |