Wednesday, March 8, 2023 |
GoGBA大湾区发展日圆满举行 |
由政制及内地事务局粤港澳大湾区发展办公室主办、香港贸易发展局(香港贸发局)GoGBA商贸支援协办的GoGBA大湾区发展日于昨天(3月7日)圆满举行。 more info >> |
GoGBA大灣區發展日圓滿舉行 |
由政制及內地事務局粵港澳大灣區發展辦公室主辦、香港貿易發展局(香港貿發局)GoGBA商貿支援協辦的GoGBA大灣區發展日於昨天(3月7日)圓滿舉行。 more info >> |
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 |
Entertainment Expo Hong Kong returns |
The 19th Entertainment Expo Hong Kong is being held from 2 March to 16 April, showcasing the many facets of film, TV, music and digital entertainment. This year's Expo will feature eight exciting industry events during the month-long entertainment extravaganza. more info >> |
Sunday, March 5, 2023 |
HKTDC twin jewellery shows attract exhibitors and buyers from 130 countries and regions, delivering robust results |
Following Hong Kong's lifting of the mandatory mask mandate and full resumption of travel, business people from around the world flocked to the city's first major trade fair. more info >> |
Friday, March 3, 2023 |
HKTDC MarketingPulse to be held at HKCEC in Wan Chai |
Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse will return to its longstanding physical venue on 15 March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). more info >> |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 |
Twin Hong Kong International Jewellery Shows Open Today as a New Round of Trade Fairs since Return to Normalcy |
Social distancing measures came to an end, as the mask mandate was officially lifted today, expediting the recovery of business activities between Hong Kong, Mainland China and the rest of the world. more info >> |
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 |
香港貿發局「未來建設 建設未來」推廣活動於印尼舉行 |
為協助基礎設施發展及房地產服務業界把握當地商機,香港貿易發展局 (香港貿發局) 首次於印尼舉辦「未來建設 建設未來」 (Building for the Future) 大型推廣活動,於2月27日至3月2日率領代表團訪問雅加達,通過「城市建設.香港論壇」及商貿配對活動,為印尼及香港兩地企業提供全方位平台,共拓商機。 more info >> |
香港贸发局「未来建设 建设未来」推广活动于印尼举行 |
为协助基础设施发展及房地产服务业界把握当地商机,香港贸易发展局 (香港贸发局) 首次于印尼举办「未来建设 建设未来」 (Building for the Future) 大型推广活动,于2月27日至3月2日率领代表团访问雅加达,通过「城市建设.香港论坛」及商贸配对活动,为印尼及香港两地企业提供全方位平台,共拓商机。 more info >> |
HKTDC takes Building for the Future campaign to Indonesia |
To help Hong Kong's infrastructure and real estate-related services (IRES) sectors seize arising opportunities, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is promoting its Building for the Future campaign in Indonesia for the first time, bringing a delegation to Jakarta from 27 February to 2 March. more info >> |
Friday, February 24, 2023 |
HKTDC: Creativity showcase raises curtain on jewellery shows |
Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), The 39th HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show and 9th HKTDC Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show, will be held from 1 to 5 March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. more info >> |