Friday, February 18, 2022 |
EC Healthcare Included in the Hang Seng Composite Index & Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong*, is pleased to announce that the Group has been selected and will be included as a constituent stock of the following index series by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited, with effect from 7 March 2022 more info >> |
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 |
医思健康收购多专科医疗服务中心 |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)欣然宣布,收购Excellent Power Investments Limited(「目标公司」)全部已发行股本,总代价为6,800万港元,将以现金支付。 more info >> |
醫思健康收購多專科醫療服務中心 |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈,收購Excellent Power Investments Limited(「目標公司」)全部已發行股本,總代價為6,800萬港元,將以現金支付。 more info >> |
EC Healthcare Acquires Multi-Disciplinary Medical Services Centers |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong more info >> |
Monday, February 14, 2022 |
医思健康新开设医疗中心 巩固行业领先地位 进一步扩大市场份额 |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)欣然宣布,为满足对医疗及健康服务的殷切需求,集团将在香港岛太古太古城中心新租用两楼层以开设新的健康医疗中心及高端影像中心,总楼面面积约12,300平方呎。 more info >> |
醫思健康新開設醫療中心 鞏固行業領先地位 進一步擴大市場份額 |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈,為滿足對醫療及健康服務的殷切需求,集團將在香港島太古太古城中心新租用兩樓層以開設新的健康醫療中心及高端影像中心,總樓面面積約12,300平方呎。 more info >> |
EC Healthcare Opens New Healthcare Medical Centre, Further Consolidate the Leading Position and Expand Market Share |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong* more info >> |
Monday, January 17, 2022 |
医思健康管理层增持公司股份 对集团发展前景充满信心 |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)欣然宣布,集团主席,执行董事兼行政总裁邓志辉先生(「邓先生」)于二零二二年一月十四日以总额约499万港元,于公开市场以平均每股9.1943港元的价格购入543,000股公司股份。 more info >> |
醫思健康管理層增持公司股份 對集團發展前景充滿信心 |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈,集團主席,執行董事兼行政總裁鄧志輝先生(「鄧先生」)於二零二二年一月十四日以總額約499萬港元,於公開市場以平均每股9.1943港元的價格購入543,000股公司股份。 more info >> |
Senior Management Increases Shareholdings in EC Healthcare With Strong Confidence in the Group's Future Development |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong*, is pleased to announce that on 14 January 2022, the Group's Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Tang Chi Fai ("Mr. Tang") more info >> |