Wednesday, December 14, 2022 |
EC Healthcare wins "Best in Healthcare Sector" at IR Magazine's Greater China Awards 2022 |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong, is pleased to announce the Group has garnered the "Best in Healthcare Sector" at IR Magazine's Greater China Awards 2022. more info >> |
Thursday, November 24, 2022 |
医思健康公布2022/23年度中期业绩 医疗服务业务推动收入同比增长31.1% |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(“公司”,连同附属公司,总称“集团”;香港联交所股份编号:2138)公布截至2022年9月30日止六个月(“期内”)未经审核之中期业绩。 more info >> |
醫思健康公佈2022/23年度中期業績 醫療服務業務推動收入同比增長31.1% |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)公佈截至2022年9月30日止六個月(「期內」)未經審核之中期業績。 more info >> |
EC Healthcare Announces FY2022/23 Interim Results, Revenue Increased 31.1% YoY Mainly Driven by Medical Services |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong, announces today its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2022 (the "Period"). more info >> |
Monday, October 17, 2022 |
医思健康料23上半财年销售额创新高至不少于18亿港元 按年升不少于17% |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)欣然宣布,集团预计截至2022年4月至9月(「期内」)之销售额创新高。 more info >> |
醫思健康料23上半財年銷售額創新高至不少於18億港元 按年升不少於17% |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈,集團預計截至2022年4月至9月(「期內」)之銷售額創新高。 more info >> |
EC Healthcare expects a record-high semi-annual sales volume in first half of FY23 of no less than HK$1.8 billion, Represents no less than 17% Y-o-Y increase |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong*, is pleased to announce that the Group expects to achieve a record-high semi-annual sales volume from April to September 2022 (the "Reporting Period"). more info >> |
Monday, October 3, 2022 |
医思健康收购香港连锁多专科医疗中心 |
香港最大非医院医疗服务机构* ── 医思健康(「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份编号:2138)欣然宣布与卖方订立协议,收购Pioneer Evolution Limited(「目标公司」)60%已发行股本,总代价将以现金支付,总计3,640万港元。 more info >> |
醫思健康收購香港連鎖多專科醫療中心 |
香港最大非醫院醫療服務機構* ── 醫思健康(「公司」,連同附屬公司,總稱「集團」;香港聯交所股份編號:2138)欣然宣佈與賣方訂立協議,收購Pioneer Evolution Limited(「目標公司」)60%已發行股本,總代價將以現金支付,總計3,640萬港元。 more info >> |
EC Healthcare Acquires Multi-Disciplinary Healthcare Services Chain in Hong Kong |
EC Healthcare (the "Company", which together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the "Group", SEHK stock code: 2138), the largest non-hospital medical group in Hong Kong*, is pleased to announce that the Group and the Seller enters into a sale and purchase agreement to acquire 60% of the issued share capital of Pioneer Evolution Limited (the "Target Company") for a total consideration of HK$36.4 million in cash. more info >> |