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 Multimedia Press Releases
스페인 카이사은행, 젬알토의 NFC 기술로 웨어러블 결제수단 보급
스페인 카이사은행, 젬알토의 NFC 기술로 웨어러블 결제수단 보급
October 9 2014, 13:00 HKT
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CaixaBank gears up for wearables with Gemalto NFC payment technology in Spain
CaixaBank gears up for wearables with Gemalto NFC payment technology in Spain
October 9 2014, 13:00 HKT
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October 9 2014, 13:00 HKT
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厚积薄发露锋芒 长虹佳华率先实现北斗导航轿车批量前装获肯定
厚积薄发露锋芒 长虹佳华率先实现北斗导航轿车批量前装获肯定
October 8 2014, 17:42 HKT
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厚積薄發露鋒芒 長虹佳華率先實現北斗導航轎車批量前裝獲肯定
厚積薄發露鋒芒 長虹佳華率先實現北斗導航轎車批量前裝獲肯定
October 8 2014, 17:40 HKT
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Inaugural Manufacturing Solutions Trade Event Well-Received by Local Myanmar Manufacturing Players
Inaugural Manufacturing Solutions Trade Event Well-Received by Local Myanmar Manufacturing Players
October 7 2014, 18:30 HKT
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HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics and Lighting Fairs to Open this month
HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics and Lighting Fairs to Open this month
October 6 2014, 18:45 HKT
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Fast Retailing Recognized with 2014 Retailer of the Year Award
Fast Retailing Recognized with 2014 Retailer of the Year Award
October 6 2014, 14:30 HKT
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Trade Minister Lutfi: More Spectacular, Come to Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2014!
Trade Minister Lutfi: More Spectacular, Come to Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2014!
October 3 2014, 19:00 HKT
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HKTDC's New Executive Director Takes Up Post
HKTDC's New Executive Director Takes Up Post
October 3 2014, 18:50 HKT
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October 3 2014, 18:06 HKT
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Dah Sing Life Organises "Pedal Forward to a Brighter Future Programme 2014"
Dah Sing Life Organises
October 3 2014, 18:00 HKT
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Herbalife Menyambut Ahli Nutrisi Korea yang Bergabung dalam Dewan Penasihat Nutrisinya
Herbalife Menyambut Ahli Nutrisi Korea yang Bergabung dalam Dewan Penasihat Nutrisinya
October 3 2014, 12:45 HKT
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The Effects of Growing Rice in Low Water and High Salt Conditions
The Effects of Growing Rice in Low Water and High Salt Conditions
October 3 2014, 12:35 HKT
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Local Industry Welcomes New Manufacturing Solutions to Myanmar
Local Industry Welcomes New Manufacturing Solutions to Myanmar
October 3 2014, 09:30 HKT
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October 1 2014, 13:00 HKT
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中广核美亚获超购556倍 冻资717亿荣膺冻资王第三位
中广核美亚获超购556倍 冻资717亿荣膺冻资王第三位
October 1 2014, 11:00 HKT
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October 1 2014, 13:00 HKT
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中廣核美亞獲超購556倍 凍資717億榮膺凍資王第三位
中廣核美亞獲超購556倍 凍資717億榮膺凍資王第三位
October 1 2014, 11:00 HKT
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Total company AS24 and Gemalto deploy EMV fuel payment cards
Total company AS24 and Gemalto deploy EMV fuel payment cards
October 1 2014, 13:00 HKT
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토탈 자회사 AS24, 젬알토의 연료 결제 카드 도입
토탈 자회사 AS24, 젬알토의 연료 결제 카드 도입
October 1 2014, 13:00 HKT
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October 1 2014, 13:00 HKT
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JCB to Launch the JCB Ultimate Card for Affluent Chinese
JCB to Launch the JCB Ultimate Card for Affluent Chinese
September 30 2014, 18:00 HKT
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モリタホールディングス:着るだけで、腰の負担が軽くなる 女性のための腰サポートインナー「rakunie calena (カレナ)」を開発。
モリタホールディングス:着るだけで、腰の負担が軽くなる 女性のための腰サポートインナー「rakunie calena (カレナ)」を開発。
September 30 2014, 10:30 HKT
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Siloam Hospitals Again Awarded Indonesian Healthcare Services Provider of the Year by Frost & Sullivan
Siloam Hospitals Again Awarded Indonesian Healthcare Services Provider of the Year by Frost & Sullivan
September 30 2014, 11:00 HKT
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September 30 2014, 10:00 HKT
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September 29 2014, 19:04 HKT
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September 29 2014, 19:02 HKT
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COFCO Land Holdings' W Beijing - Chang'an Officially Opens
COFCO Land Holdings' W Beijing - Chang'an Officially Opens
September 29 2014, 19:00 HKT
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다나까 귀금속공업과Kuraray Chemical, 도금 세정 폐액 속의 팔라듐을 99.8% 이상 회수할 수 있는 활성탄 필터를 공동 개발, 9월부터 대여 개시
다나까 귀금속공업과Kuraray Chemical, 도금 세정 폐액 속의 팔라듐을 99.8% 이상 회수할 수 있는 활성탄 필터를 공동 개발, 9월부터 대여 개시
September 30 2014, 10:00 HKT
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