Wednesday, November 29, 2017 |
DENSO and NEC Establish a Joint Venture to Develop Essential Connectivity Technologies for Cars of the Present and Future |
DENSO Corporation and NEC Platforms, Ltd., a subsidiary of NEC Corporation, today unveiled a new joint venture, DENSO NEXT CO., LTD. more info >> |
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 |
Denso: The Korea Fair Trade Commission's Announcement Concerning the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act Related to Certain Automotive Components |
The Korea Fair Trade Commission announced today that it decided to order corrective measures and impose a surcharge on certain automotive suppliers pursuant to the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, in connection with certain past sales of automotive fuel pumps and variable cam timing. more info >> |
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 |
デンソーグループ、2030年長期方針・2025年長期構想を策定 |
株式会社デンソー(本社:愛知県刈谷市、社長:有馬 浩二)は、このたび、2030年の目指す姿として「デンソーグループ2030年長期方針」を策定しました。また、長期方針で掲げる目指す姿を実現するための道筋として「デンソーグループ2025年長期構想」を策定しました。 more info >> |
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 |
DENSO to Focus on Technologies to Advance Future Mobility at 24th ITS World Congress 2017 Montreal |
DENSO is focused on developing automated driving technologies that will help to deliver safe, reliable and flexible mobility for all people, as well as enable the efficient transportation of goods. more info >> |
DENSO Develops World's Largest Automotive Head-up Display |
DENSO, one of the world's largest automotive technology, systems and components suppliers, today announced it has developed a thin-film transistor (TFT), liquid-crystal head-up display (HUD) to project critical driving information onto the windshield for drivers. more info >> |
Friday, October 20, 2017 |
DENSO Wins Medals at the 44th WorldSkills Competition |
DENSO Corporation and DENSO's subsidiary DENSO E&TS Training Center, which is responsible for providing engineering and technical training for DENSO employees, won gold medal in the Manufacturing Team Challenge, and bronze medal in the Mobile Robotics categories at the 44th WorldSkills Competition. more info >> |
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 |
DENSO and FotoNation to Collaborate on Image Recognition Technology |
DENSO Corporation and Xperi Corporation announced that DENSO will start joint technology development of cabin sensing with FotoNation, an Xperi group company specializing in image recognition technologies. more info >> |
DENSO to Exhibit Newest Mobility Technologies, Virtual Reality Experiences at 45th Tokyo Motor Show |
DENSO Corporation will offer immersive exhibits at the 45th Tokyo Motor Show at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center, commonly known as Tokyo Big Sight, from Friday, October 27 to Sunday, November 5. more info >> |
デンソーとセントラルパーク、地下駐車場での歩行者ナビゲーションの実証試験を開始 |
株式会社デンソー(本社:愛知県刈谷市、社長:有馬 浩二)と株式会社セントラルパーク(本社:愛知県名古屋市、社長:継松 和也)は、セントラルパークが運営する地下駐車場において、超音波ビーコンを利用した歩行者向けの駐車位置案内の実証試験を10月20日より開始します。 more info >> |
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 |
デンソー、「第45回東京モーターショー」に出展 |
株式会社デンソー(本社:愛知県刈谷市、社長:有馬 浩二)は、10月27日(金)から11月5日(日)まで東京ビッグサイトで開催される「第45回東京モーターショー」に出展します。 more info >> |