Multimedia Press Releases |
冲电气(OKI)员工于世界海洋日开展义务清扫海滩垃圾活动 |
July 7 2014, 09:40 HKT
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Directors Of The Year Awards 2014 Now Open for Nominations |
July 3 2014, 18:50 HKT
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ULVAC-RIKO to Sell Thermoelectric Conversion Efficiency Evaluation System for Small Modules Mini-PEM |
July 3 2014, 10:00 HKT
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JCB Launches J/Speedy(TM), Global Contactless Payment Service using NFC technology |
July 1 2014, 15:00 HKT
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依波路控股有限公司公布于香港联合交易所主板上市详情 |
June 29 2014, 19:55 HKT
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依波路控股有限公司公佈於香港聯合交易所主板上市詳情 |
June 29 2014, 19:52 HKT
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Ernest Borel Holdings Limited Announces Details of Proposed Listing on the Main Board of SEHK |
June 29 2014, 19:50 HKT
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Probiotics for Poultry Production |
June 27 2014, 12:50 HKT
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ULVAC to Launch New HELIOT 900 Series Leak Detectors |
June 26 2014, 10:10 HKT
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Invisalign(R) Champions Community Outreach Initiatives in Singapore, Regional Headquarters for Align Technology's Asia Pacific Operations |
June 26 2014, 08:00 HKT
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Hong Kong Export Confidence Maintained Despite Temporary Shortfall |
June 25 2014, 17:00 HKT
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Orchard Scotts Dental Introduces Invisalign Dedicated Clinic for Consumers in Singapore |
June 25 2014, 08:00 HKT
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HKTDC Hong Kong July Book Fair to Feature Record Number of Exhibitors |
June 23 2014, 17:50 HKT
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先健科技 - 醫學研討會:香港正成為新型介入治療預防心房顫動患者中風研究的先鋒 |
June 22 2014, 14:05 HKT
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LifeTech - Seminar: Hong Kong at the Forefront of Advanced Interventional Treatment for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Patients |
June 22 2014, 14:00 HKT
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As Bali's Waste Continues to Mount, Coca-Cola, Quiksilver and Garuda Indonesia Host 'Bali's Big Eco Weekend 2014' |
June 21 2014, 20:00 HKT
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Enabling Technologies for a Smart Nation Stole the Limelight at CommunicAsia2014, EnterpriseIT2014 and BroadcastAsia2014 |
June 20 2014, 21:00 HKT
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Fashion Takes to the Shops and Streets of Hong Kong |
June 19 2014, 16:45 HKT
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Increasing Rice Production on Acidic Soils in Malaysia |
June 19 2014, 13:45 HKT
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일본 일렉트로 플레이팅ㆍ엔지니어스(EEJA), 독성이 높은 시안 화합물을 사용하지 않고 반도체 패키지 기판에 도금할 수 있는 무전해 치환 금도금액 제공 개시 |
June 17 2014, 13:50 HKT
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日本電鍍工程(EEJA)開始提供不使用高毒性的氰化物、可在半導體封裝基板上化鍍的置換型無電解金化鍍液 |
June 17 2014, 13:50 HKT
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日本电镀工程(EEJA)开始提供无电解置换型金电镀液,不使用毒性较高的氰化物即可对半导体封装基板进行电镀 |
June 17 2014, 13:50 HKT
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住友精密と構造計画研究所、秋田県大潟村で広大な水田の水位監視サービスの実証実験を実施 |
June 17 2014, 10:00 HKT
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中国手游签约首个全球顶赞 WECG 2014全球总决赛12月在中国举办 |
June 16 2014, 20:12 HKT
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中國手游簽約首個全球頂贊 WECG 2014全球總決賽12月在中國舉辦 |
June 16 2014, 20:09 HKT
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IID Challenge Promotes "Innovation for Inclusive Development" in Southeast Asia |
June 14 2014, 13:00 HKT
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Championing "Innovation for Inclusive Development" in Southeast Asia |
June 14 2014, 12:30 HKT
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全球領先的基金經理領航(Vanguard)推出三項全新ETF |
June 13 2014, 14:52 HKT
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