Multimedia Press Releases |
Willingness-to-pay for Monorail Services in Penang, Malaysia |
July 21 2014, 10:00 HKT
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Integrating Work into School Curricula |
July 18 2014, 14:05 HKT
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Be Prepared for the Rock Fest of the Year at the Singapore Science Festival |
July 17 2014, 15:00 HKT
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HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair Opens with Record Number of Exhibitors |
July 16 2014, 17:45 HKT
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Garuda Indonesia Awarded "The World's Best Cabin Staff" by Skytrax at the Farnborough International Airshow |
July 15 2014, 23:50 HKT
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Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Announces New Leadership Appointment to Drive Growth in the Asia Pacific Region |
July 15 2014, 11:30 HKT
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開發出可對應網版印刷,能夠以紫外線照射形成電子電路的銀膏產品 |
July 15 2014, 10:00 HKT
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研发出适用于网版印刷,并通过紫外线固化形成导电电路的银膏产品 |
July 15 2014, 10:00 HKT
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Nano-sized Silicon Oxide Electrode for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries |
July 14 2014, 14:30 HKT
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A*STAR Partners Roche to Develop New Cancer Therapeutics |
July 14 2014, 14:00 HKT
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Freetech Establishes Joint-Venture with COSCO (H.K.) Industry and Trade |
July 13 2014, 18:49 HKT
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中国飞机租赁今日上市 业务模式独特股权回报率理想 |
July 11 2014, 16:02 HKT
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中國飛機租賃今日上市 業務模式獨特股權回報率理想 |
July 11 2014, 16:00 HKT
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《南方周末》对中国医药行业上市公司社会责任调研 复星医药排名第一 |
July 11 2014, 15:36 HKT
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《南方週末》對中國醫藥行業上市公司社會責任調研 復星醫藥排名第一 |
July 11 2014, 15:34 HKT
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Fosun Pharma Ranked First in the Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility of China's Listed Pharmaceutical Companies by Southern Weekly |
July 11 2014, 15:32 HKT
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Nearly 17,000 Buyers Take in Hong Kong Fashion Week |
July 11 2014, 12:20 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited Unveils the Novel Dizzi Club |
July 9 2014, 19:30 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重开幕 |
July 9 2014, 17:45 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重開幕 |
July 9 2014, 17:43 HKT
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자외선으로 전자회로 형성이 가능한 은페이스트의 스크린 인쇄 대응 제품을 개발 |
July 10 2014, 09:00 HKT
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Greenfields Milk Welcomes 1,200 New Holstein Heifers |
July 8 2014, 15:00 HKT
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TANAKA Develops Silver Paste Able to Form Electronic Circuits Using UV Curing to Support Screen Printing |
July 8 2014, 16:20 HKT
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China Haidian Officially Renamed "Citychamp Watch & Jewellery Group Limited" |
July 7 2014, 18:02 HKT
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Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer Opens |
July 7 2014, 18:00 HKT
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衝電氣(OKI)員工於世界海洋日開展義務清掃海灘垃圾活動 |
July 7 2014, 09:40 HKT
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