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 Multimedia Press Releases
Willingness-to-pay for Monorail Services in Penang, Malaysia
Willingness-to-pay for Monorail Services in Penang, Malaysia
July 21 2014, 10:00 HKT
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Integrating Work into School Curricula
Integrating Work into School Curricula
July 18 2014, 14:05 HKT
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Be Prepared for the Rock Fest of the Year at the Singapore Science Festival
Be Prepared for the Rock Fest of the Year at the Singapore Science Festival
July 17 2014, 15:00 HKT
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HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair Opens with Record Number of Exhibitors
HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair Opens with Record Number of Exhibitors
July 16 2014, 17:45 HKT
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Garuda Indonesia Awarded "The World's Best Cabin Staff" by Skytrax at the Farnborough International Airshow
Garuda Indonesia Awarded
July 15 2014, 23:50 HKT
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Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Announces New Leadership Appointment to Drive Growth in the Asia Pacific Region
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Announces New Leadership Appointment to Drive Growth in the Asia Pacific Region
July 15 2014, 11:30 HKT
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July 15 2014, 10:00 HKT
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July 15 2014, 10:00 HKT
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Nano-sized Silicon Oxide Electrode for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries
Nano-sized Silicon Oxide Electrode for Next Generation Lithium Ion Batteries
July 14 2014, 14:30 HKT
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A*STAR Partners Roche to Develop New Cancer Therapeutics
A*STAR Partners Roche to Develop New Cancer Therapeutics
July 14 2014, 14:00 HKT
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July 13 2014, 18:55 HKT
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July 13 2014, 18:52 HKT
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Freetech Establishes Joint-Venture with COSCO (H.K.) Industry and Trade
Freetech Establishes Joint-Venture with COSCO (H.K.) Industry and Trade
July 13 2014, 18:49 HKT
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中国飞机租赁今日上市 业务模式独特股权回报率理想
中国飞机租赁今日上市 业务模式独特股权回报率理想
July 11 2014, 16:02 HKT
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中國飛機租賃今日上市 業務模式獨特股權回報率理想
中國飛機租賃今日上市 業務模式獨特股權回報率理想
July 11 2014, 16:00 HKT
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《南方周末》对中国医药行业上市公司社会责任调研 复星医药排名第一
《南方周末》对中国医药行业上市公司社会责任调研 复星医药排名第一
July 11 2014, 15:36 HKT
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《南方週末》對中國醫藥行業上市公司社會責任調研 復星醫藥排名第一
《南方週末》對中國醫藥行業上市公司社會責任調研 復星醫藥排名第一
July 11 2014, 15:34 HKT
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Fosun Pharma Ranked First in the Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility of China's Listed Pharmaceutical Companies by Southern Weekly
Fosun Pharma Ranked First in the Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility of China's Listed Pharmaceutical Companies by Southern Weekly
July 11 2014, 15:32 HKT
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Nearly 17,000 Buyers Take in Hong Kong Fashion Week
Nearly 17,000 Buyers Take in Hong Kong Fashion Week
July 11 2014, 12:20 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited Unveils the Novel Dizzi Club
Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited Unveils the Novel Dizzi Club
July 9 2014, 19:30 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重开幕
Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重开幕
July 9 2014, 17:45 HKT
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Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重開幕
Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited 宣布旗下Dizzi Club以全新面貌隆重開幕
July 9 2014, 17:43 HKT
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자외선으로 전자회로 형성이 가능한 은페이스트의 스크린 인쇄 대응 제품을 개발
자외선으로 전자회로 형성이 가능한 은페이스트의 스크린 인쇄 대응 제품을 개발
July 10 2014, 09:00 HKT
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Greenfields Milk Welcomes 1,200 New Holstein Heifers
Greenfields Milk Welcomes 1,200 New Holstein Heifers
July 8 2014, 15:00 HKT
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TANAKA Develops Silver Paste Able to Form Electronic Circuits Using UV Curing to Support Screen Printing
TANAKA Develops Silver Paste Able to Form Electronic Circuits Using UV Curing to Support Screen Printing
July 8 2014, 16:20 HKT
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July 7 2014, 18:08 HKT
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July 7 2014, 18:05 HKT
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China Haidian Officially Renamed "Citychamp Watch & Jewellery Group Limited"
China Haidian Officially Renamed
July 7 2014, 18:02 HKT
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Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer Opens
Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer Opens
July 7 2014, 18:00 HKT
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July 7 2014, 09:40 HKT
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