Thursday, October 19, 2023 |
Fujitsu showcase at Japan Mobility Show 2023 highlights solutions that contribute to sustainability and wellbeing |
Fujitsu today announced that it will exhibit at the Japan Mobility Show 2023, which will be held at Tokyo Big Sight in Japan from Thursday, October 26, to Sunday, November 5, 2023. more info >> |
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 |
Fujitsu and TOPPAN Holdings collaborate to expand medical big data business |
Fujitsu Limited and TOPPAN Holdings Inc. today concluded a business alliance agreement to jointly promote the medical big data business with the aim of promoting research and development utilizing medical big data under Japan's Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act (1) and realizing a healthy and long-lived society by creating new industries and businesses. more info >> |
Friday, October 13, 2023 |
Fujitsu works with the 77 Bank to optimize customer engagement operations at all Japan branches |
Fujitsu today announced the development of a system that allows customers to easily complete transactions in a concise manner at all branches of the 77 Bank, Ltd. more info >> |
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 |
Fujitsu launches technology to automatically generate new AI solutions specific to customers' business needs |
Fujitsu today announced a new technology for automated generation of AI solutions, offering users the possibility to customize AI innovation components offered via the "Fujitsu Kozuchi (code name) - Fujitsu AI Platform." Fujitsu will start offering the new technology via Fujitsu Kozuchi to users in Japan by December 2023 and plans to roll out services to the global market in the future. more info >> |
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 |
Fujitsu and RIKEN develop AI drug discovery technology utilizing generative AI to predict structural changes in proteins |
Fujitsu Limited and the HPC- and AI-driven Drug Development Platform Division of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science today announced that they have developed an AI drug discovery technology that can predict structural changes of proteins from electron microscope images as a 3D density map in wide range by utilizing generative AI in January 2023. more info >> |
富士通と理化学研究所、独自の生成AIに基づく創薬技術を開発 |
more info >> |
Monday, March 16, 2020 |
Fujitsu and France's Inria Jointly Develop Technology to Automatically Create Anomaly-Detecting AI Models |
Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., and Inria, the French national research institute for digital science and technology, today announced the development of technology that automatically creates AI models capable of detecting anomalies in time-series data taken from IoT devices and other sources. more info >> |
Thursday, March 12, 2020 |
富士通ラーニングメディア、小・中学校の臨時休校期間中の学習支援として自宅でできるプログラミング学習コンテンツを無償提供開始 |
総合人材育成企業 株式会社富士通ラーニングメディア(代表取締役社長:青山昌裕 本社:東京都港区)が運営する子ども向けプログラミング教室「 F@IT Kids Club(ファイトキッズクラブ)」は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止による学校の臨時休校期間中の学習支援として、自宅でできるプログラミング学習コンテンツを無償提供いたします。 more info >> |
十勝農協連と富士通、AIを活用した病害虫診断システム 実証から構築段階へ |
十勝農業協同組合連合会と富士通株式会社は、2020年4月より、生産者がスマートフォンで撮影した甜菜(てんさい)の写真をもとにAIが病害虫を特定し、十勝農協連が病害虫および農薬の散布方法などの情報を生産者に提示する病害虫診断システムの構築に着手し、2021年度から本システムの運用を開始します。 more info >> |
Friday, March 6, 2020 |
富士通、政府向けのクラウド事業に本格参入 |
当社は、このたび、日本政府向けのクラウド事業に本格参入します。これまで提供してきた当社の国産クラウドサービス「FUJITSU Cloud Service for OSS」をベースに、中央省庁および関連機関向けの新たなクラウド(以下、ガバメントクラウド)のサービスを開発し、2020年5月に販売開始します。 more info >> |