Wednesday, February 24, 2016 |
페루, E2E 전자여권 프로그램 도입 위해 엔프리머나쇼날과 젬알토 솔루션 선택 |
프랑스의 엔프리머 나쇼날 그룹(The Imprimerie Nationale Group)과 젬알토가 합작해 제작한 전자신분증 솔루션이 페루가 최초 도입하는 맞춤형 전자여권에 적용된다고 발표했다. more info >> |
Peru Selects the Technological Solutions of the Imprimerie Nationale Group and Gemalto for End-to-end ePassport Program |
The Imprimerie Nationale Group, the world expert in secure identity solutions, and Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, announce they have started issuing the first personalized Peruvian electronic passports. more info >> |
PROSAとジェムアルトが提携し、メキシコでモバイル決済を提供 |
デジタルセキュリティの世界的なリーダーであるジェムアルト(ユーロネクスト NL0000400653 GTO)と、中南米地域有数の決済処理サービス企業であるPROSAは、両社が提携し、メキシコでモバイル決済を提供することを発表します。 more info >> |
젬알토, RSA 컨퍼런스에서 데이터 유출 방지 솔루션과 커넥티드 월드로의 신뢰성 공급 시연 |
디지탈 보안의 세계적 선두업체 젬알토가 RSA 컨퍼런스 2016(위치: North Hall, Booth N4108)에서 자사의 세이프넷 개인정보 및 데이터 보호(SafeNet Identity and Data Protection)솔루션을 시연한다. more info >> |
RSA Conference:ジェムアルト、データ漏洩を防ぎ、コネクテッド ワールドに信頼をもたらす |
デジタルセキュリティの世界的なリーダーであるジェムアルト(ユーロネクスト NL0000400653 GTO)は、RSA Conference 2016(北ホール、ブースN4108)にて、SafeNet Data and Identity Protectionソリューションによって、企業がデータ漏洩を防ぎ、従業員や消費者が利用可能な増え続ける新しいデジタルサービスに信頼をもたらすための支援を行う様子を紹介します。 more info >> |
PROSA and Gemalto Partner to Offer Mobile Payments in Mexico |
Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security and PROSA, one of the largest payment processors in Latin America, announce a partnership to bring mobile payments to Mexico. more info >> |
RSA Conference: Secure the Data Breach and Bring Trust to the Connected World with Gemalto |
Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, will present at RSA Conference 2016 (North Hall, Booth N4108) how its SafeNet Data and Identity Protection solutions help companies "Secure the Breach" and bring trust to the growing number of new digital services available to employees and consumers. more info >> |
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 |
Oi Brazil推出創新的金雅拓SmartApp移動營銷解決方案 |
全球數字安全性領導者金雅拓(泛歐證券交易所NL0000400653 GTO) 宣布,巴西移動運營商Oi正在推出金雅拓的全新SmartApp解決方案,該運營商擁有約5000萬用戶。優化智能手機的創新移動營銷渠道,提供富媒體內容,以提升客戶參與度並貨幣化選擇參加數據庫。 more info >> |
Oi Brazil推出创新的金雅拓SmartApp移动营销解决方案 |
全球数字安全性领导者金雅拓 (泛欧证券交易所NL0000400653 GTO) 宣布,巴西移动运营商Oi正在推出金雅拓的全新SmartApp解决方案,该运营商拥有约5000万用户。 more info >> |
金雅拓和Jasper合作簡化物聯網設備的全球部署 |
全球數字安全性領導者金雅拓(泛歐證券交易所NL0000400653 GTO) 和全球物聯網(IoT) 平台領導者Jasper日前宣布,雙方將建立夥伴關係,通過按需訂閱管理簡化物聯網設備和服務的全球部署。 more info >> |