Friday, November 9, 2018 |
Eisai: New Data from Investigational Study of Lenvima (Lenvatinib) and Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) Combination in Three Different Tumor Types Presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer's 33rd Annual Meeting |
Eisai Co., Ltd. and Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J., U.S.A., known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, today announced results from presentations of new data and analyses of LENVIMA, an orally available kinase inhibitor discovered by Eisai, in combination with Merck's & Co., Inc.'s anti-PD-1 therapy KEYTRUDA in three different tumor types - metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), metastatic melanoma and metastatic urothelial carcinoma. more info >> |
エーザイとMSD、「レンビマ」(レンバチニブ)と「キイトルーダ」(ペムブロリズマブ)との併用療法について3がん腫に対する最新の研究成果を第33回がん免疫学会年次総会にて発表 |
エーザイとMSD、「レンビマ」(レンバチニブ)と「キイトルーダ」(ペムブロリズマブ)との併用療法について3がん腫に対する最新の研究成果を第33回がん免疫学会年次総会にて発表 more info >> |
Thursday, November 8, 2018 |
Eisai: Industry-Academia-Government Joint Development Agreement Concerning Anti-Fractalkine Antibody E6011 for Treatment of Crohn's Disease Concluded, Research Activities Commence |
Eisai Co., Ltd. and Eisai's subsidiary for gastrointestinal diseases EA Pharma Co., Ltd. announced today that EA Pharma has entered into an industry-academia-government joint research agreement with six related joint research organizations, and that research activities have fully commenced. more info >> |
エーザイとEAファーマ、抗フラクタルカイン抗体E6011のクローン病治療薬開発で産学官連携の契約を締結し、研究開発を開始 |
エーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表執行役CEO:内藤晴夫、以下エーザイ)とエーザイの消化器事業子会社であるEAファーマ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表取締役社長:松江裕二、以下EAファーマ)は、E6011のクローン病治療薬開発において、EAファーマと6つの共同研究機関との間で研究委受託契約を締結し、研究開発を本格的に開始しましたのでお知らせします。 more info >> |
エーザイ、中国の新蘇州工場が本格稼働 |
エーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表執行役 CEO:内藤晴夫)は、このたび、中国子会社である衛材(中国)薬業有限公司(Eisai China Inc.)が、蘇州工業園区内の新蘇州工場の本格稼働に伴い、オープニングセレモニーを開催しましたのでお知らせします。 more info >> |
Eisai Commences Full-Scale Operation of New Suzhou Plant in China |
Eisai Co., Ltd. announced today that its Chinese subsidiary, Eisai China Inc. (ECI) has commenced full-scale operation of its new Suzhou plant located within the Suzhou Industrial Park, and an opening ceremony was held accordingly. more info >> |
Monday, October 29, 2018 |
Biogen and Eisai Announce Presentation of Detailed Analyses from the Phase 1b Long-Term Extension Study of Aducanumab at CTAD |
Biogen and Eisai Co., Ltd. announced that Biogen presented results at the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) meeting, in Barcelona, Spain, from the recent 36- and 48-month analyses of the ongoing long-term extension (LTE) of the Phase 1b study of aducanumab, an investigational treatment for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild AD. more info >> |
Friday, October 26, 2018 |
エーザイ、アルツハイマー病に伴う不規則睡眠覚醒リズム障害を対象とする「レンボレキサント」の最新データを第11回アルツハイマー病臨床試験会議(CTAD)において発表 |
エーザイ、アルツハイマー病に伴う不規則睡眠覚醒リズム障害を対象とする「レンボレキサント」の最新データを第11回アルツハイマー病臨床試験会議(CTAD)において発表 more info >> |
Eisai Presents New Data on Lemborexant for Treatment of Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease |
Eisai Co., Ltd. announced that Eisai presented new data from Study 202, a Phase II evaluation of lemborexant, an investigational sleep-wake regulation agent, for the treatment of Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder (ISWRD) in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. more info >> |
Eisai and Biogen Announce Presentation of Additional Data from Phase II Clinical Trial of BAN2401 in Early Alzheimer's Disease |
Eisai presented the latest data from the Phase II clinical study (Study 201) of BAN2401 at a symposium session titled "Clinical and Biomarker Updates from BAN2401 Study 201 in Early Alzheimer's Disease" held on October 25 at the 11th CTAD conference in Barcelona, Spain. more info >> |